Don't let anyone's words discourage you write what you wanna write bruv. It's one of the better fics on this site and using AI as a tool to make the language seem fluent isn't a crime. Everybody is frustrated these days and with the veil of the internet they let their rougher side out which most of the time doesn't represent what they would have said in a 1v1 convo
Bro is becoming superman, losing control every monday💀
So far it's great. Conversations have depth though a little too deep for the scene sometimes but much better than all the CN translation crap available on this site. Good work mate
Jetray would be faster as it can perform interstellar travel.
this so bs to get a scramjet engine started you have to go high supersonic or else the combustion of special fuel in air won't take place.
Elon zedong lmfao
If you are flying too low(tree level) and the enemy doesn't have a track or lock the background noise is enough to mask something like Iron man coated with some RAM considering the exposed surface are would be much smaller so you can hide and be confused with the background clutter of the radar.
Lucky for you F-22 doesn't have EOTS and F-35 can't go Mach 2+ though AIM-9X is a heat seeking missile and its faster and unlucky for you it can pull off 60 G's you are a dead meat if it's fired.