woah, the novel is amazing, I can almost feel the tension on the battleground, thought it was real😂🤣. Jacob's persistence is what we need in the world, the book is amazing, keep the chapters coming
it's a really good novel, I love the beginning lol, the confusion yet knowing everything about the body he possessed. Good work, author, keep the updates coming
You've got a great nove, author. It's detailed, the plot is great, it's just superb. I would strongly recommend this novel for anyone. I can't even wait to find if he continues being a scoundrel, or he's going to change. More updates, author 😘😘😘
The quality of the book is superb. Even from the chapter names, I could feel the maturity of the writer and I just couldn't believe how detailed and understanding everything turned out to be. If you're looking for a book to get lost in, this is it.
This is the best novel to get lost in. It's beautiful, it's detailed, it's everything you need. Good work, author
I was just scrolling and I saw this novel. It's beautiful and detailed and everything I need. If you're looking for something to get lost in, this is definitely it
This story is 😍😍😍. I was just a passerby, looking for things to get lost in and this is just wonderful, the perfect thing to live in even if the war and gruesomeness is not my favorite to read, but I still find it beautiful. Keep it coming, author
Your novel is awesome, it's amazing. But, I think if there is more detailed explanation or the author has more experience, it's going to be perfect. But, it's lovely 😍😍
Wow! The novel I awesome. I love the MC's personality, it's perfect and beautiful. I can't wait for the next chapters
Woah😍😍😍 this is a beautiful piece of art. The novel is wonderful, with detailed explanation and everything just makes it eye-catching. Keep it coming 👍👍