Pretty good for a fic on here, I would recommend it. Hope the author releases more soon. So far it feels a little rushed but I’m sure it’ll get better soon, and it’s not a major downside. 10/10 should read. :)
he seems to forget a lot of stuff (his teachers name and the wand function for example) even with his so called photographic memory. plot hole?
yeah but he only has like 40 magic crystals in total rn
where are his like magic perks he got from that god? he seems pretty average, if not a little above average, but not by much
yeah but you cant buy anything with hoise points, and no matter how many house points are given to you, theyre the houses, not yours.
what a loser. everyones wounds start to heal automatically.
cat girl?
who doesnt want to be hot asf
this kind of sucks. i mean the idea is cool but the execution was a little off. there were way too many exclmation marks and it just feels like a power fantasy. dont get ke wrong i love those but only when done good. every other paragraph someone yelling about how amazing he is and how cool he is. dont like the mc either just cause.