Wow, it really looks like what I have imagined the magi-steam robot would be. Thanks for giving me more references.
Queen Betha Blackwwod wife of Aegon Targaryen, Sheara Targaryen sister-wife of King Jahaerys Targaryen and daughter of Betha Blackwwod then Shiera Seastar, one of the most famous targaryen bastard and was known as the most beautiful woman in her era.
His powers as well as most of his influence here are sealed by the bracelet, reason fate spiraled in Marvel because his powers are not sealed thus changed things faster. There are still changes but gradual and not too noticable at first.
Nope, mostly because of the fact that those he cared for are held hostage by the other beings that colluded with the Beyonder. He could change the destiny of many but if he does he would not know what the bracelet would do to the his people should he fail the tasks given.
It was not much of a visit when he went there and terrorized the local young masters and ancient sects into extinction. I kinda feel it was more of a spontaneous test try to see if his travelling powers really works, the cultivation world was just an unknowing victim resulting in many of its heaven's favorite slapped and humiliated. The ones he chose while in the edge of the void within the endless space of chaos between universes was the one I counted as a 'visit' since he just did some brief collecting in those parts.
Imagine Shaera like this but with the silver hair and purple eyes of the Targaryens...
Kind of like this, found this on google too...
The Sword, found this on google after typing 'Damascus Steel Han Sword'...