


Honestly, my grammar sucks, and idek if I'm gonna do well when I write, but everyone gots to start somewhere right. So I'm gonna try to write something I think is interesting but not too complicated.

2021-01-29 入りましたUnited States






  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins2 days ago

    Hey author, i just want to give you a few tips for this book. 1, this has a lot of potential , just from the synopsis you can tell its got a lot of potential and got a little bit of everything readers want, but a lot of people will like to binge read, so dont get discouraged if it starts slow. I personally love to wait unil about 100+ chapters are build up. 2, dont forget about investing in the kingdom. Stoping bad guy, villians, and clamaties are needed, but finding cures for diseases , better elixers/potions( if they exist) monopolizing industries, saving or recruiting soldiers or those with talent. And cultivation techniques ( or things similar if they exist). I know its really easy to get deep into these stories and focus on 1 things wich is fine, but dont forget about the opportunity the book gives him. I really love your other books, and really like the idea of this one and want it to succeed . Again this is just my advice, take ir leave ill still read as long as ifs not dropped

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins12 days ago

    Kinda reminds me of body refining in a way, time needed to heal them damage the body then heal again, except he came up with s chest the fits the story, that’s honestly a good way to introduce his unstanding of runes

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins2 months ago

    So far for the free available chapters, the novel is good, if the writer was more consistent i believe this book has a lot of potential , but i was say, make the mc more ambitious , why save humanity and his world when he can save it and rule it? ( just my personal opinion ). For the author, i would say don’t get disheartened by the low reader count, majority of readers like to have 100+ chapters before reading so they can binge read.

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins3 months ago
    に返信 BigBoyJenkins

    I’ll still read the book until it get boring or cant afford to.

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins3 months ago

    Hey author if i could i would love to give you a piece of advice. Please dont forget the mc was once from earth. Dont let him fall into all the stupid scenarios that a lot of mc’s finding themselves in please. Maybe build up a force of his own? Strengthen his family with techniques, as few face slapping incidents as possible with young masters, instead of attacking the young master then the father then the grandfather and so on. Why not attack the grandfather and father? I understand the mc is still young and working through his memories, but dont let him make childish mistakes please. Or do, i dont care, i just wanted to give my perspective .

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins3 months ago

    I hope the basilisk king is usefull and part of the story. I know the story is just starting, but i would really like for the basilisk king to be more important than blackstar, tolly , or any of the beats ryu had on him. I would also love to see the more of the basilisk pov and character grow and overall growth of the character.

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins3 months ago

    Hey author just wanted to give you some advice and keep writing, a lot of people linke to binge read so most people wont give a novel a try until there is a decent amount of chapter( usually 100-150, before starting), but i really like the concept of this novel and would like for you to continue writing it.

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins4 months ago

    Hey author, i know you have a webtoon for your wizards book, is that still going to continue ?

  • BigBoyJenkins
    BigBoyJenkins4 months ago

    I would love for more characters to be fleshed out. I dont need hundreds of chapter per person. But learning more or seeing characters bond would be great. I understand it the first volume so your setting things up, and not everyone need to be included, but having pov’s from other characters and even enemies is great, it allows us to see things from a enemies or allies perspective. Also this last part is more or less my preference , but please make the mc ambitious . Every mc wants to be strong , or protect people which is nice and all, but havibg a character who wants to become a god, want to rule, wants to lead, for reasons other than protecting or morals, would feel mych more human( again the whole ambitious mc is all personal preference )