sigh fine i will wait
one of the key reasons for the title of King of the Jungle bring conferred on the Lion is the attitude. The lion lives in the open in the grasslands, and uses its team strength for its hunting, while the tiger predominantly relies on stealth and are antisocial and aggressive even against other tigers
next chapter button
no better give him multi-tasking and greater comprehension skills don't want more voices in his head
i am waiting
dude that was a joke when you are listening to the chapter it feels like Omnitrix is saying that
lions are called king of the jungle for a reason so but what ever lions also have less aggressive parsonality then tigers who will kill anything that comes in front of it where lions only go and fight other lions if i remember correctly i once seen in a documentary on animal planet that's why i like lions
and now we wait for the next one
he's father will hear about this
good try but it says unknown fears back which is supposed to mean the unknown is afraid of humans thats what i got