This image means a lot more now because of the latest patreon chapter, also I am so glad shadow has roughly the same though process when it comes to god powers
Intro was great but that's mainly because I genuinely love how you know how to write these new things called "emotions", but yeah as long as the romance isn't glacial and plays an actual lasting part in the story then I will be here every day... or week depending on when u update it 🙂🙂
I'm really curious to see how you'll develop the romance in this compared to the other one tho, I'm really hoping it's an early thing because that's a complete contrast to you're other novel and I want to see how you'd do that
Just curious I'd RW will make the romance move at a glacial pace like in a certain other novel
Bro you love emotionally torturing you're mcs don't you 🤣🤣
Just imagining petra turning her enemies bones inside out now
Easily the best lotr set fic I've read on this site and probably will read, I will forever hate you for making me like certain characters better here than in the books or movies because you actually gave them personalities for something unforseen to happen, I know you know what I'm talking about, but the dude knows his lore and actually cares about his work which combined with a lotr fic in general means its gonna be great
Eh I honestly believe it, remember reading somewhere that balrogs herded dragons so take from that what you will