


Low-key beauty

2021-01-10 入りましたGlobal







  • Neko_6969

    Romance ? or no romance?Single female lead or harem .?

    The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF
    書籍·文学 · Ash_D_Born
  • Neko_6969
    に返信 RewindTime

    If you think the romance is unnecessary just don't add it.However if youwant to write it,I would like to know if it gonna be single female lead or harem?

    Shigaraki in Marvel
    映画 · RewindTime
  • Neko_6969
    に返信 DaoOfGay

    Ummm ew?

    [This one]
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoOfGay
  • Neko_6969

    I don't know,I just don't feel any chemistry between them at all.

    {I really wasn't just seeing things. It's really here. Upper Stratum, I'm back!} She said with great emotion in her voice with me coming up behind her. She suddenly lunged at me, hugging me while shedding tears of joy, but what she did next surprised the both of us greatly as she kissed me right on my lips. After what she just did registered in her mind, she stopped jumping around and looked at me with an obvious blush on her face just like I did. {Sorry, I got a bit too excited and did that.} She said abashedly with her head down. {Hah, there's no need for you to be sorry. Besides if you hadn't kissed me, I would have found a chance to kiss you.} I said shyly, causing her to look at me in surprise. {What, were you expecting me to be disgusted or disturbed by you kissing me? I might not look it now, but I was no ladies man in my past life, as a matter of fact, you are the first girl I've gotten this close with in both lives, not to mention we are literally connected by our very souls. I've liked you ever since I named you, so much so that if I wasn't lessening the intensity of emotions that we could feel through our link, there's a high chance that we would have pounced on each other. So don't go thinking I would ever dislike you kissing me or I'll kiss you until you forget such a stupid assumption.} I said, basically confessing my love for her, leaving her speechless with her mandibles dropped. {R-r-really?} She asked in disbelief. {Yes, really. So allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Dante Isvalt, a reincarnator who was considerably attached to anime, manga, comics and the like. I hope that you'll give me the privilege of dating you, Shiraori-san.} I said while trying to not visibly cringe or burst out in laughter at how I was speaking. After a while, the silence is interrupted by her voice. {I accept your confession and please, take care of me.} She said shyly as we leaned into each other and kissed once again, this time for a few minutes before releasing each other's mouths.
    Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse
    アニメ·コミックス · Sica_rio
  • Neko_6969

    He's basically a god at this point.

    [The ability to detect, generate manipulate and fully control all kinds of energy.
    Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse
    アニメ·コミックス · Sica_rio
  • Neko_6969

    I don't get the wish part. How can the combined karma of four mortals be strong enough to affect the wishes to become ominiversal. Does it include some kind of compensation for the time he spent in the void?

    He huffed out a sigh as I finished and looked at me with his piercing green eyes. "Well, we can't reincarnate him into a normal Earth now. His soul is far too powerful and heavy for such worlds to hold him, however we could reincarnate him on an Elevated Earth, one where powers or magics are the norm. As for the karma and the time spent in the void, all that could only come to 3 unbounded omniversal wishes for his next life, should he choose to reincarnate." He tells me without skipping a beat. I nod in agreement and excuse myself as I teleport back to my office. I still don't understand why he doesn't allow teleportation into his office but he does out from it.
    Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse
    アニメ·コミックス · Sica_rio
  • Neko_6969

    So hypothetically if he got into a relationship with someone would he be considered a pedo?

    "Hey, Phoeric, I'm not tripping right now, am I?" he asked in clear confusion. "No Hirik, you're not." Not that I could blame him as what we're seeing in front of us is downright absurd. "Not only did a mortal soul survive in the abyss they also achieved Soul Ascension." I say in amazement at the absurd situation. "Hey check your CA."(chronological analyser) I do so, and my eyes widen as the ratio between the Godrealm and this point of the abyss we've reached is one second to 974 billion seconds here which means that this guy - by the way, the soul is male, finally got a gender to the being, has spent over 80 billion years here and is still surviving.
    Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse
    アニメ·コミックス · Sica_rio
  • Neko_6969

    Delusion convince yourself~

    The Jonin nodded. "Yes. Right now if you two fought you'd lose but that won't be the case in the future. If you want to have a chance at defeating him, you need to first focus on yourself. Remove all other distractions. Whatever thoughts that's keeping you from completely focusing on your training… Get rid of them. You need to center your mind."
    The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.
    アニメ·コミックス · MonkWithAPen
  • Neko_6969

    Are you the original owner of this fic or did you steal this fic from fanfiction.net. If you really stole this fic from there then you really have no shame to pretend like you wrote this.

    Naruto : Domination
    アニメ·コミックス · sybife
  • Neko_6969

    Is the baby ippy?

    It was a pretty eventful first week at home all things considered. I spent most of my free time messing with trying to touch my chakra and playing around in my mindscape. I was also trying to control my body, but that was slow going. Those stories about people being reincarnated into a baby and doing "muscle training" are bullshit. You have no motor control at all, hell I can't even stop myself from drooling. My mouth just likes to hang open randomly and I start to drool out of my mouth. And don't even get me started on fine motor control.
    Marvel-ous Ninjutsu
    アニメ·コミックス · Pewpewcachoo
  • Neko_6969

    Yes love how you domesticated them!🥰

    Letting out a sigh, she continued to do her job. She had helped push her father's species to the stars and they were united together for the first time since the race was born. Part of that was because of her brother, his actions in almost exterminating them helped the leftovers to become unified. Then the steps she took to help make them one single cohesive group turned them into what they are now, one unified group of people with the only goal of making their race better as a whole. It's amazing what you can do when humans have what they need to live a good life and you change the way they think and act through hundreds of years of education.
    Marvel-ous Ninjutsu
    アニメ·コミックス · Pewpewcachoo
  • Neko_6969


    Chapter 20: Science is Creating Something from Nothing
    Studying under Orochimaru, the Evil Scientist of Hidden Leaf Village
    アニメ·コミックス · ANIME_SIMPA
  • Neko_6969

    A Naruto fanfic with yaoi tag on webnovel? Well this is rare and bold. Hope you don't get drag by some of the readers

    アニメ·コミックス · Htk_Kksh
  • Neko_6969

    Romance or no romance? Harem or no harem?

    Hollywood : Reborn with an A.i (Artificial intelligence)
    セレブリティ · Azzidine7thepisces
  • Neko_6969

    Kill his family,kill his own clan, put him in a genjutsu where he does those above things over and over again, assaulted him multiple times and finally manipulated Sasuke to kill him without telling him what so ever why he did those things. To the extend that Sasuke devoted his whole life to revenge only to realize his whole life had been a lie. - Yea such a healthy brother hood.

    Hinoka Hyuga
    アニメ·コミックス · Nen_pin
  • Neko_6969

    Is this allowed ? what the.... is this allowed ?

    Wh-what in the… oh hell no! Nigga what the fuck- nope, nope I'm outie. I'm- I am getting out of here, no matter what this crazy bitch says.
    Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)
    映画 · Archonstine
  • Neko_6969
    に返信 PoorGod

    "Be not afraid

    1. I forgot to describe the MC's appearance. Just imagine him how you want to. I suck at describing OC appearances.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    アニメ·コミックス · JaxWolf4
  • Neko_6969

    Can you generate a video please ?

    That was dark, but less about that and more about me! My name's Sora, or was Sora, now I am Naohiro, a prodigy young master of the Zenin clan. Now that I say it out loud, it sounds like a bad cultivation novel. However, I apparently have a technique that isn't very good and not worthy of being head of the clan.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt
    アニメ·コミックス · JaxWolf4
  • Neko_6969

    Omg youg master Tai Lung!?

    But that was the extent of it. Weirdly enough, my body was able to absorb the lighting as it disappeared inside my body before dispersing beneath my feet.
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    映画 · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • Neko_6969

    Of course it either has to be truck kun or one of the family members.

    Sadly, I died in a plane crash when I was on my way to America.
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    映画 · Emmanuel_Capricorn