Nothing beats the sound of heavy rain and a touch of thunder during bedtime... Anyway, this is where I humbly accept all appreciation moniesððŸ...
First, let's do a little experiment... In the Synopsis, there is a link to the Raw. Try using it to see what the chapter after this looks like. Screenshot the result and share them with me, I want to see something...
His attitude towards her is obviously romance based, not because he sees her as frail... Also, are you saying Hydra doesn't kidnap and experiment on the weak and frail? Because that's exactly how Russell, Allen, and Heather were before Hydra experimented on them...
One, they are not Adam nor are they the Great Old Ones... Two, please try to spot the difference between a narration and actual thoughts... Three, do you know which 'thoughts' have any effect in this universe?
Fisk Tower...
Blood Moon...
An image of Xiangqi?
The author is probably an ameture chess player... I'd rate him below 1100 ELO...
He still is. As the chapter title suggests, what bro is doing here is simply making plans for future actions...