The subject is something that most people could relate to. The book overall is very interesting and something that feeds readers with an emotional rollercoaster as actions and decisions are enacted.
This is not the first LGBT book I've read but I found this quite satisfying. Everything was well described that it won't take too long for someone to casually imagine the scenarios as they read.
It's really relatable and easy to get yourself lost in the story. I've been unable to stop myself from reading this book. The way the author formed the ideas and details concerning this book is really undescribable.
The story is really sweet bit not all the time sweet, it has the regrets, jealousy and sadness thrown in with it too. The storyline progresses nicely that you won't be confused as to which time it is for the characters.
The author made such a great story line. I love how it includes how the feelings of each character developed for each other as it progressed from their first meeting.
It felt like I was there when it happened and the way the story was being told was like going down memory lane. The story felt real, the emotions of the characters could be transferred to the reader. It's not cliche in any way for me, rather it was like the scene was straight up from reality. You get the bittersweet, the disappointments, and the butterflies. Great job to the author.
This is a very interesting book to captivate any reader. By the title alone, you would want to delve in on what the author meant by it. The contradiction of the mind and the heart, loving someone but also wanting to hate them.
This really written very well. The flow of the story and the attraction of the plot is really smooth and strong. The way the author wrote it, allows the reader to create the image inside their mind.
It's great! The synopsis of the story really captures the eye of a reader. The thought that went through writing this must have been very great to bring about the elements together.
It is really interesting just based on the first few pages I've read. It has this kind of one look and I'm hooked—specifically by the first chapter. It is really amusing and fun that no one would be loosing any interest reading this.