There's no light underneath one's feet. For those who have their head down, there's only a path of abyssal footprints ahead.
translator... can you start finishing the translations before posting the next chapter. they are very disjointed and hard to understand what's going on, as there's a ton of information missing. Best regards from a fan!
"Bo pu"?
wtf is the last part? are we getting notes from like 50 chapter forwards?
still using jets here..? in the 1890s?
I highly doubt the translator means jets here
it should be 8 thousand not 80 million. think the translator is having his usual aneurysms. xD
wrong names for countries
don't publish if it's not finished, too many notes and too little substance. Though it'll probably be remedied in the future
can we please have these chapters skimmed through more than once Mr translator? 👉👈🥺