

2020-12-14 入りましたGlobal









  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 C_Meta_Freedom

    So, I still imagined and adjusted this, I didn't want to exaggerate the skills, I wanted the character to have few main skills, but if trained they would guarantee variability and power, how many affinities I'm still thinking about, I imagined Mc having evolved sensitivity Minato's space in a kekkei genkai to complement the six eyes, due to the influence of the Uzumaki's yang affinity and the increase in yin chakra generated during the fusion of the two souls, I even thought about naming it Kekkei Totta, but I gave up, regarding the affinities with the wind and thunder and just to combine with the rasengan, I thought of something like an elemental Kekkei Genkais but he already had 3 very good Kekkei Genkais but one more would be overkill. As for the issue of souls, what I imagined would be something like Raiden being Naruto's past life or something along those lines, and even though the two were fair due to Raiden's influence, Naruto would still remain a hopeful and fair boy, but not as naive and Eager for the Leaf Village's recognition, he would still dream of being the Hokage, but instead of being to gain the village's recognition it would be to honor his parents' legacy from this life, and also to fulfill his father's wish from the previous life. who wanted his son to shine, in short he would be a Naruto, less naive and manipulable, more confident and intelligent, but still courageous and with a good heart.

    Ch 99 Please give your opinion, character construction for my new Fanfic.
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Irina_Akashira

    thank you very much.

    Ch 2 Alone
    Naruto: What If?
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Irina_Akashira

    I believe it would depend on the level of the Pokémon, and the class of the Celestial, a well-trained Pokémon with its imagination awakened I believe it could fight even against a group of non-combatant Celestials and perhaps one or two high-level Celestials.

    Ch 98 Travel and Undercurrents
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 C_Meta_Freedom

    Yes he portrayed it as finger rings, but like the Mandarin that I'm used to seems like he's a martial artist instead of a wizard, arm rings match more and I admit I saw kung fusion recently, and there's a guy there who fights with rings on his shoulders. arms....hahahahaha

    Ch 96 Unexpected Rewards
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Red_Eclipse_2003

    I believe that because it requires subtlety, Asher is an adept of telekinetic and crude mental attacks, for Asher mental communication would require more training, so as he already has an empathetic understanding with the Pokemons through the system, he probably did not seek to delve deeper into the subtleties of mental techniques .

    Ch 95 The Mandarin
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Swikong

    I believe that the question is the following, Celebi, even though he has infinite vital energy, cannot control it completely, so to resurrect someone, who by the way would inflict the dominance of other abstracts, he has to make the sacrifice of all the energy he has at the moment, as it is infinite, the energy will always return to him, but the sacrifice is still necessary.

    Effect 03 - Dedication to Life: Celebi sacrifices herself to bring someone dead back to life.
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Basically_God

    Sorry friend, it was my mistake, they are not cursed flames, they were supposed to be condensed flames.

    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira

    So, this was already underway with the small changes in the timeline, but if it was a Thanos from the MCU, the Mc should have the ability to kill him even with just Celebi, Victini and Deoxys at this stage, regarding the issue of powers. Specials I think the author refers to powers that are not natural to the individual, for example flying is not a special power for a species that flies, but if a person of that species gained the ability to breathe underwater it would be a special ability. In the end I'm just cleaning up the story that I like..... which, yes, there is God Ex-machine and a good amount of holes in the story....hahahaha.

    Because even without using special powers, he was already strong enough!
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Daoist9083tM

    Sou de Minas Mano, e aqui também tá tendo um surto, esse janeiro tá chovendo muito, junta isso com p fato de eu morar no interior e passar um rio a 500 metros da minha casa, tem-se o lugar perfeito pros malditos mosquitos.

    Ch 63 sorry once again
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 C_Meta_Freedom

    I consider him neutral good, because he won't cause damage if he isn't attacked, but he also won't stand still if he can help, and of course it depends on whether he can gain something with whatever the action is.

    Ch 62 Royal Meeting
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 C_Meta_Freedom

    he is protected by the plate, but I believe it has to be a direct attack for it to take effect or for there to be malice in the action against him.

    Ch 62 Royal Meeting
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Irina_Akashira

    I don't deny it, although it was the same thing with the ice giants.

    [Effect: After use, transforms the host attribute into ''Ghost'', increases the attack power of ghost creatures by 200%, and makes the user immune to attacks targeting the soul].
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Surskit2907

    From what I understand in this fanfic, arceua plates function as artifacts, and grant immunity to the energy they represent as well as other effects in this case, in addition to giving phantom properties, the user's energy also makes them immune to soul-based attacks.

    A powerful energy was concentrated in his palm, and then a Hyper Beam struck the skeleton's head at close range!
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Volkov

    Yes and No my friend, I have some points, an Asrceu is a god of creation and hierarchically speaking is superior to the Phoenix Force which is an aspect of a creation, two fire in many cultures is a symbol of life and destruction, therefore even though it is linked to the concepts of destruction and life, the cute phoenix is still fire, conceptually speaking, and to conclude, the projection of the phoenix was not real, it was something that the evil personality created from the image of the real phoenix and fed with its fragment of power, but As I can always be wrong, which wouldn't be news. Hahahahahahaha

    At that moment, all the flames were absorbed as soon as they reached Arceus' reach, and Asher, who was right behind with the professor, were completely safe.
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Volkov

    The original author

    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira

    Yes and no, indeed Celebi is stronger and more proficient in psionic power, but I believe that Victini would be better off training with Asher, precisely so that the two can improve together, it is worth remembering that without any ability or buff item, Asher's power is significantly lower. than that of his Pokémon, so if he were to train with Celebi, who is already at a much higher level than the others, the beating would be unilateral, or all of this is just a hole in the story.

    "Victini! Come join me in psychic training!"
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 world_domination

    Man, I myself didn't read the story until the end, but as far as I got, the impression it gave me, ideologically speaking, was that of Thanos from the MCU, while in terms of power he is a little more on the side of the comics, but that could be just my impression.

    Let's not say any more - just a few years later, when a certain purple psychopath who suffers from platonic love for a multiversal concept, will have the brilliant idea of snapping his fingers and sending half of the creation to meet the creator., 50% chance of turning to cosmic dust is not a bet you want to make in a world in which abstract concepts can have consciousness.
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 BodaoZao_CapraZao

    Rayquaza Shiny

    Ch 47 Battle
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Etiger789

    I don't speak or write in English, I translate into my language, and only then switch to English, so if translation errors appear I can try to correct them but I can't give guarantees

    Ch 47 Battle
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira
  • Marcelo_Ferreira
    に返信 Darwin111111

    On the contrary, my friend, until now he prefers to use pokemons, firstly because I believe that the original author was a big fan of pokemon and secondly because pokemons are much more powerful than him.But I understand if you don't want to read it, thanks for the comment.

    Ch 1 Luck Day
    I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.
    アニメ·コミックス · Marcelo_Ferreira