Yes, but not at this point in the story.
Okay. I'm invested. I'm locked in for the long run and eagerly awaiting the next update. I just hope you don't make me wait to long. I'm not very patient.
The branch timeline is a whole spin off that I'm here for.
You can read the original here https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12562072/
This was taken from fanfiction.net and renamed here. It's plagiarized and chopped up. I don't know if this was done so they could milk more chapters out of it or what, but you can read the complete original story at fanfiction.net. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12562072/8/
Isn't this just, Harry Potter and the Daft Morons by Sinyk on fanfiction.net
Rest up and get better.
I seriously hope this isn't abandoned. I'm already invested.