



2020-12-02 入りましたUnited States







  • OmegaSovereign

    Definitely a step above any other Victorious fic out there. A few grammar mistakes, but nothing more than a few mispelled words. Definitely a lot better than most authors on here. The story so far is good, but it's still early. Hope you don't drop.

    Victorious Prodigies
    テレビ · InfinityLight
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Hyzouille_Gr

    I really don't know what you're talking about. The MC has been showing his arrogance since he started going to Hogwarts. The way that he enjoys showing off and yelling at his professor showed that. And his way of fighting has always been the same. He's a brawler. He's always been a brawler.

    Ch 18 CHAPTER 17
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 trudny1

    It wasn't the normal troll that they faced. It was a troll similar to the ones in Legacy.

    "But perhaps that was a mistake. I should've been harsher when I noticed your sudden change in behavior. What were you thinking? Taking on a Troll?!" He yells in anger before taking a deep breath and calming himself down.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 LegateMattius

    It ripped it from the ground.

    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 EmaCnDf

    He will interfere in some places, I can't go into it much as it's spoilers. Chamber of Secrets will be drastically different to how it usually goes. Prisoner of Azkaban will have some changes, but not too drastic. Goblet of Fire is really where things will be entirely different going forward.

    Ch 14 CHAPTER 13
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    Lewis was looking at me with glittering eyes before he muttered with tears on his face, "Awesome."
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    テレビ · Alittlepiggy33
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 spark70

    I was surprised that he was an actual boxer. I chose the name because I was listening to a Zombies video when I was making the chapter and Dempsey's my favorite character. 😅

    He was a boxer, a pretty good one too, but he had a bad anger problem. Still does, if you ask me, but apparently it's not nearly as bad as it was.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Poseidon_1_

    I think it depends on the person really. I have seen some people who are really mature for their age and I've seen some very... VERY childish people. Most of them being in college...

    "What part of this shows you that he has any semblance of control over what he's doing?!" I yell at her, pointing to him flailing around in the air.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Mysticwolf

    You... did you come up with that on the spot? Because if so, that is... a very dark thought process to immediately pop into your head...

    "All true. Yes. But what you don't know is that after the war, his son, your father, was kept under very strict watch. While he did not participate in the war, the Ministry did not want to take a chance on another Grindelwald starting another war." He reveals.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Poseidon_1_

    That's exactly what I mean. He's not mentally mature. He was a depressed seventeen year old that regressed into the body of a five year old. He now has a chance to somewhat live what he missed the first time around. Idk if it was this comment or another comment where I said this, but he's not an adult. His choice in clothing was made to reflect that. And later reveal how young he was when he died, but I guess not. But the point is this. He's not an adult. He's not mentally mature. He was a kid who had nothing going for him. Now he's a kid with everything going for him.

    "What part of this shows you that he has any semblance of control over what he's doing?!" I yell at her, pointing to him flailing around in the air.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Ren_sama93

    No. It makes you cultured.

    A sword.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Poseidon_1_

    Three years being taught how to prostrate yourself isn't going to magically make someone polite. I mean... just look at Draco... And I believe that I captured exactly what I intended. Before, he was a guy who didn't anything to live for. No family, no friends, no girlfriend. He didn't even have a dog. He legitimately didn't care that he died and just wanted to know where he was going. Now he has friends, a grandfather, and is possibly the most talented wizard ever to exist whilst also being taught by one of the most feared wizards to ever exist. He's riding a high. And eventually he's going to come down.

    "What part of this shows you that he has any semblance of control over what he's doing?!" I yell at her, pointing to him flailing around in the air.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 OverkillBills

    You realize that you just pointed out the entire reason he's becoming like this, right? He knows the entire plot. He knows EXACTLY what's going to happen. You're telling me that some people won't become overconfident when they not only have the knowledge of the future that is set in stone, but they also have overpowered abilities? That is just blatantly not true. He WAS cautious at first then, after obtaining power that doesn't come easily for even talented wizards, became cocky. He's overestimating himself as some people tend to do in situations like this. And what you said about Grindelwald beating it out of him, that's the exact reason why his son wants nothing to do with him. You think he's gonna try and do the same approach with his grandson when it obviously didn't work the first time with his son?

    Ch 11 CHAPTER 10
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Priyanshu_Mishra_5061

    I post Monday through Friday.

    Ch 12 CHAPTER 11
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Magus_Mxviil

    Well, the reason it seems like Jason spends more time with Draco is because of the circumstances. Almost all the chapters recently have been about his first day at Hogwarts. It's not like he's spending less time with his grandfather, it's just that he can't exactly have a conversation with old grandpa Gellert in the middle of class with a bunch of people around him.

    Ch 11 CHAPTER 10
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Magus_Mxviil

    The bratty attitude is intentional. It's to show that as he grows in power, the more irrational decisions he makes. I'm trying to showcase that he's becoming cocky and overconfident in his abilities. Which I believe that some people would become if they gained magical abilities. And what you said about him acting unbecoming of his age. I never said at what age he died. It will be revealed later, but his attitude and choice of clothing was meant to imply that he died very early in his life. As his clothing is typically worn by highschool/college students.

    Ch 11 CHAPTER 10
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 Mitchell_Moroni

    I was actually debating for a long time between Fluer and Pansy. Ultimately decided to go with Pansy as I've haven't seen a fic with her as the LI

    Ch 12 CHAPTER 11
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    "I want to…but…Not now." A woman in a floral dress and a red stiletto replied before walking away from the backstage.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    テレビ · Alittlepiggy33
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 DaoistsGHarm

    Yup. It will be explained.

    "Guns are for the weak and cowardly. It takes absolutely no skill to use them. Why would I want to take the easy way out?" I point out to him.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign
  • OmegaSovereign
    に返信 trudny1

    That's because the ring with the sign of the Deathly Hallows was the Lord's Ring.

    "He's not Fred, I am!" George yells, fooling their mother.
    Harry Potter: The Dark Heir
    映画 · OmegaSovereign