

2020-11-25 入りましたGermany









  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Anonny_Anonymous

    Uh, because he wants to? Why bother acing them when they don't matter? Just sounds like extra effort. He only has to make sure he can get to the next grade and not get held back.

    It was Aunt May's turn to roll her eyes as she replied to me, "You can try fooling your teachers but I've asked Pete and he tells me you've helped him with some of his homework before...so stop flunking all your tests!" she reprimanded me with a light smack on the back of the head which I had to roll with to avoid May hurting her hand off my skull's sheer hardness.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 ArtoriaPendragon_

    I'll change Hulk to 2008 and leave Iron Man for 2010 then.

    It's currently 2002, so if this truly is the MCU, I have six years until canon starts. So, uh, not a lot of time.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Mysteryon

    At least you get how bad Viltrumite instincts can be lol.

    It's okay to enjoy the fighting, just don't take it too far. Don't do something you'll regret. Even so, this doesn't mean I regret what I did earlier today or that I'll refrain from doing it again if the situation truly calls for it. What it does mean is that I'll try and keep a cooler head in the future and try to keep a leash on my instincts.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Flaashii

    That's not how maturing works lmao. You don't add up someone's life and get their mental age - like, who even came up with that notion? It's beyond stupid. He hasn't lived as an *****, he hasn't had a full-time job, he hasn't had a serious relationship, he hasn't even had a house of his own or even paid taxes. Why would he be as mature as someone in their thirties despite having not done any of the activities or experiencing the things they would have experienced or done to get to their age? He hasn't even experienced the world outside of the school system yet and you're saying he should be as mature as a 31-year-old lol? Get out of here with that bogus logic, my guy. Plus, people who are mature, don't say 'I was mature at *insert age here*' lmao. Chances are you really weren't all that mature and are just lying on the internet like a majority of people - like me, my name is neither Stan Wheeler and I don't live in Germany.

    Hearing him, I nodded, a smile growing across my face as I felt some weight get lifted off my shoulders. I guess I was feeling like a bad person because I enjoyed the violence of beating those guys up...but that doesn't mean I am a bad guy. I didn't take it too far, nor was I excessively cruel when I did what I did.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Yui_the_Kitsune

    The word 'Ass'. Some people consider that swearing - not in my household, however. 'Ass' is a pretty decent word and has many uses. Describing someone, describing a certain body part, it's another name for a Donkey, etc, etc.

    Turning to his wife, he smiled apologetically, "Sorry, May. My bad," he laughed wryly, answering his wife who was otherwise quite lovely - except when it came to things like cursing. When it came to that, she was quite strict. Very, very strict.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Scot_Grey

    For a person? Sure. For a character? Not so much. Having your MC show some selfish tendencies can make them more relatable but building an entire personality around selfishness? That'll leave you with a hollow character who ends up getting power for power's sake and being an arsehole most of the time.

    I'm no saint. God knows I won't be as good a hero as Pete will be. But I still want to be one - because what good are powers when you don't help people? I guess that's a slightly naive way of thinking, however. Power is power, no matter what it's used for.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 GlassyHades

    That's fair. I guess you could say I'm the same as well - I just like seeing the characters get fleshed out at the same time too.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 not_important_0608

    Oh, no, he definitely understands that some people will need to die. Not common criminals but certain villains like the Green Goblin? Yeah, they need to die. He'll also be prone to killing when angered, as are most Viltrumites.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 ArtoriaPendragon_

    I'm still trying to decide whether or not to have it as a harem or just have a few different pairings throughout the novel like how it'd go in real life. I'm fairly sure I'm going to have the MC get with one of the Mutant girls he's met but it won't be a happily-ever-after type deal where they never break up.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 yhwach

    Yeah, most likely. It's shitty but what can he do? He can't force himself to return her feelings.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 shayan_mohebbi

    Nah, not the Hulk. I was talking about a few other heavy hitters in the MCU and about bringing a few heavy hitters from the comics into the MCU (Like Ben Grimm, Jennifer Walters, etc).

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Mans_1_Not_2_Hot_3

    A mature 12-year-old is still a child, though. And like you said, that's probably your environment that did that for you - what has the MC ever had to worry about that would push his mental state forward? Most challenges can be solved with his powers, so he's never been pushed to grow as a person. Until now, that is. You think that reasoning is lame or whatever? I think the opposite is way worse. A kid who got reincarnated when he was 17-year-old grows to an *****'s level of maturity and mindset just because he's had more years alive? That's bullsh*t. He's never experienced an *****'s life or struggles, so why would he be as mature as an ***** just because he's living a second life? It's one of the stupidest tropes I've ever seen in novels. When you age after being reincarnated, you're not continuing life when you left off in your last life, man, you're starting over. Until the MC catches up to his previous age, his maturity growth is basically on hold lol. It's not as simple as 17 + 14 = 31, it's much more complex. It brings in things like brain development, hormones, life experiences, etc, etc, but I'd rather not have to write all that sh*t out lmao. And this isn't us fighting, man. This is a disagreement. No hard feelings or whatever but I just need to get my point across.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 Flaashii

    Because I'm trying to write him like a real person? And real people have problems they have to overcome and grow from? Especially when you consider the MC's an actual teenager and not a grown *****? Like, seriously, do you know how stale it would be if he was just 'badass'? People who are over the mental age of 12 would pretty quickly stop reading after the ump****th time he face slapped some random douche.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 ElG0hary

    A fair question - I'd say he hasn't done it because being a genius doesn't mean he can make a good game. Same goes for software. Develop something? Like what? I also said in an earlier chapter's comment section that the MC isn't on the same level as Tony Stark or Reed Richards: He can't just pull inventions out his ass. But the biggest reason? He can't be bothered. He's also a minor so he'd have to show his genius to May and Ben to get them to front the deals for him. It'd just be a whole fiasco. Instead, Alex will make money via crypto currency and stocks. Stuff where his future knowledge can actually be used and doesn't require him having to make a game that can get rated badly and tank if he doesn't do it right. Remember, it's 2005, so bitcoin hasn't taken off just yet. Neither has Amazon. Google was relatively cheap as well.

    Ch 7 Aftermath and After School Talk
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 TheEnlightenedSage

    Falling into the sea is, like, the epitome of being stupid though. Also as long as plot devices don't rush in and force the MC to suddenly lose his superhuman reflexes and physical prowess, he shouldn't be falling into the sea at all lol. With a certain level of Observation Haki, he shouldn't be getting hit by projectiles or surprise attacks that much either. With ones he can see but not dodge, couldn't he just use Armament Haki to block it or does Seastone effect a Devil Fruit user even through Haki? Though I do respect your decision to not give the MC a Devil Fruit and the fact that you're sticking to your decision, so I'll leave this here without making too much of a fuss.

    Ch 53 Chapter 53
    One Piece: Finally Free
    アニメ·コミックス · TheEnlightenedSage
  • Stan_Wheeler

    Baseball cap would be a decent fit. Would be a good mix between a serious suit and a casual cap.

    (An: Should I get him one, also let me know what kind of hat.)
    One Piece: Finally Free
    アニメ·コミックス · TheEnlightenedSage
  • Stan_Wheeler

    Does the MC eat that Ancient Zoan fruit he got a few chapters ago? Because it seems like a good chance to gain strength. He doesn't really need to worry about the weaknesses either because of Geppo (isn't gonna fall in the Ocean/Sea if he's not an idiot) and if he's not an idiot, he shouldn't get hit by a Seastone weapon or whatever. The pros outweigh the cons, at the very least.

    Ch 53 Chapter 53
    One Piece: Finally Free
    アニメ·コミックス · TheEnlightenedSage
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 kamisama99

    Eh, kinda. If something happens the way it does, that's cool with him (example: Miles not getting a Spider bite wouldn't bother him all too much). But if someone's getting mugged/assaulted in front of him, it wouldn't take much effort for him to intervene and stop it, so he would.

    Miles gave me a luck before sitting opposite me and taking out his own lunch - a subway type sandwich with what seemed like meatballs and cheese inside it. Topped off with a decent amount of marinara sauce. Looked nice...but not exactly the healthiest thing out there. Welp, not like it'll matter too much if he becomes the Spider-Man he's meant to be. Pretty sure his metabolism will be able to handle any type of food at that point.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 kamisama99

    I mean, he is only saying 'if'. He's not saying it's for certain or anything, just that it won't matter that Miles' diet is sh*t if he becomes Spider-Man. And if he doesn't get the spider bite? The MC won't be very perturbed. He'd take it in stride.

    Miles gave me a luck before sitting opposite me and taking out his own lunch - a subway type sandwich with what seemed like meatballs and cheese inside it. Topped off with a decent amount of marinara sauce. Looked nice...but not exactly the healthiest thing out there. Welp, not like it'll matter too much if he becomes the Spider-Man he's meant to be. Pretty sure his metabolism will be able to handle any type of food at that point.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • Stan_Wheeler
    に返信 BigStig97

    He'll eventually get a hold on it. He's just currently going through alien puberty, so it's a bit easier said than done even with his more mature mind. I wasn't planning on him doing this to everyone either. This chapter aside, Alex has a decent hold on his temper - it's just someone trying to look into his mind set him off just as much as it would to literally anyone who wants privacy. As I said in an earlier chapter's AN, the MC is gonna work hand in hand with SHIELD and the Avengers, so he's not an edgelord who's completely against authority or whatever. Least of all is he gonna be a self-centered twat who can't understand other people's perspectives. But first and foremost, he isn't gonna take any sh*t, like you said, just because he understands people's perspectives, motives or reasons for doing what they do. TLDR: He'll become more diplomatic as time passes and when he gets a better hold on his instincts that aren't being made worse by puberty.

    Ch 6 A Talk, Some Questions And A Break Down Of Communications
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler