It is very good, But there are some grammar issues that are noticable when reading. Some scenes are also very repetitive in the way they are wrote. Otherwise it is so far a very fun and interesting read.
I've read a lot of Fire emblem awakening fanfiction, that contains an Self insert type character. Many times I have seen the same character end up with Robin. This story however feels like a breath of fresh air for Robin romance. I give this the highest praise I can give.
Pyrrha:Tax evasion is a crime Neo Neo: it's an obligation
Soul eater hundred percent
Are you going to change the part in chapter 6, where Renesmee calls Edward "Daddy" and he has the nearly same reaction as he does in this chapter?
Ninth time re reading, let's go
I like the idea of having it in multiple chapters more, but that can lead to a feeling of interruption with the new chapter and the votes and comments so I'll say 1
I liked both,but if it's one or the other then 1