


I am poor and I don’t have the body for onlyfans 😂 but if you like my story send me a gift: paypal.me/HBalutsch

2020-10-28 入りましたGermany









  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Florian1990

    Sorry I have some family matters to deal with right now. one member of my family is infected with covid and I had no time to research and write The story. Honestly 2020 is one annoying year🤦🏽‍♂️

    Ch 40 Human nature
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Cosmicanalog

    Haha the idea I got from all the Systems is that they’re adapting to the user like if you’Re a gamer you get a gaming display And so on and mine is just someone whi was always alone and distanced so he got a friend as his system... Can you relate tO the idea?

    Ch 1 00: First things first...
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 MonkeTroll

    Wow thank you very much for your review much appreciated 👍🏽💪🏽 I had a few bad days and was really unmotivated because I am feeling always tired and frustrated but words like this give me the energy to keep On going. Honestly thank you.

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Harasamasa223

    Okay 👌🏽 I get your Point sounds nice 🤔 but in the Naruto Universe there exist already multiple Gods and All of them have their own follower base but the thing is that this has never been made a center topic only being mentioned in the passing... The best case is Hidan from akatsuki... he is Immortal because of hiM being part of the Jishan (a cult or religious group! Unclear so far)... So in theory you can make up a god but then the whole plot is ruined because Okami’s Soul ended up in this universe And it did so because there was no interference of a god but it is already mentioned that GODS do exist so 🤔 I can’t make up one and create beef with the existing ones... Also Kaguya Ōtsutsukis 2 Sons are technically Demi-Gods because they’ve inherited her powers which are boosted by that fruit... and Okami even after getting the 5 samples aikl at most be as strong as Kaguya pre eating the Fruit but not at the same level. The reason why Sasuke and Naruto Could fight her was because they got boosted by Hagoromo and tailed beasts...so it was them ganging up on one person who is not at her best and then they still were very lucky... Personally I think they should have no chance against her seeing how she planned for centuries to free herself and the only possibility of her Losing can be understood if Hagoromo succeeded in accending to godhood by some method of spreading faith through his teachings and now he can somehow see the future and I think he can 🤔 and He might be Presented as some kind of hero but he is also really selfish in my opinion he never cared about his brothers clan or anything only Existing and watching/cultivating... in my mind he has developed his own agenda at some point!

    Ch 40 Human nature
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Harasamasa223

    Hi 🙋🏽‍♂️ I liked Your comment and I wanted to take my time to answer to your suggestion... Personally I like democracy but the concept of democracy only works if there is a power balance for example right now we have billionaires that earn more than many countries per year so these People are way iver the law and we can’t do anything about it because there are people who do their dirty work(like killings, bribing or threatening) and every personcan be bought or coerced look at how Itashi killed his own family... In real life there are much worser stories and the idea of democracy is just selling us the picture of us having Some kind of influence while in reality it has always been the rich just like in the Middle Ages 🤷🏽‍♂️ You might think that I am pessimistic but think about it why should the rich take direct position? Even they have learned from the French Revolution and many other occasions that being openly about ruling while also being rich will trigger aggression so why not stand behind the curtain of politics and rule? If I a normal person can think so far then those rich idiots will have already thought 12 More steps ahead😑 And why should he giVe the Kages who’re weaker than himself the choice of sitting at the same table? Respect is sth. earned by might not sth. you are given just so... Look at politics now...Nations with Nuclear Bombs are being reapected while nations like the Irak, Syria, Palestina are being squashed just because they’re weak. Weakness is a Sin and in my opinion the greatest sin of them all! I hope I could answer your question!

    Ch 40 Human nature
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa

    Well cause there is no such content in the Quran 🤔 and if you re read the chapter then it is only your own assumption not my fault 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Ch 1 00: First things first...
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 You3

    True there will be problems but isn’t it our main function as humans to solve problems 🤔 It is like this we can either pretend everything is fine when in fact it is not or we come together and solve problems. The thing is right now more than ever I feel like society is moving towards a bad direction and I want to create Awareness for being together Rather than being separated. In the US they hate on the police while the police hates on the black. In india it is muslims... and all over the world the trend is going towards Cruelty and war... the thing is once all industries - and by extension their governments are saturated there caN only be further expansion by cutting society 🤔 Look at china they’ve created labour camps like the nazis but we all accept that because they’ve got nuclear heads but instead the politics rage on Iran 🤦🏽‍♂️ Or the USA’s guantanamo wher human rights are treated like shit 😑 it is exactly the same as with the medieval witch hunts nowadays everyone is looking out to find someone to blame instead of coming forward to solve problems

    Most problems can be solved if many people work together but humans are limiting themselves by allowing selfishness. If the first human never tried communicating with other language wouldn't have been formed and if the first invention would have been kept hidden then there would be no civilisation at all. In Okamis mind the world is just a super sized brain and each person is just a like a little neuron and if many parts of this super brain work together they can solve any problem known to mankind but the premise is you have to see yourself as part of the group. But sadly people divide themselves based on skin color, race, or where they originated from and based on these criteria's they start fighting just like a mentally unhealthy person being anxious and depressed in his brains thousands of thoughts are constantly fighting and ultimately it tires him out and in the worst case he self destructs and this has happened back on earth.
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 DiperZ


    Ch 40 Human nature
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 NahinS77

    Hi 👋🏽 Sorry I had exams and could not find the time to write Yet another chapter and that is why there was not an update for some time 🤦🏽‍♂️ But I’ll write the next chapter today!

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 bleu_raijin

    If you understand english then go read it once more please where exactly is it saying Muslims beliEve in reincarnation 🤔 i say exactly the opposite 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Harasamasa223

    It is okay but tour bad review will make kther beLieve my fanfic is bad 🤷🏽‍♂️

    [We could just chill here till you turn 5-6 and move to Konoha and pretend to be a member of the Hyuga-Clan.]
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Harasamasa223

    This is nusy chapter 3 Of over 30+ read at least until 35 before you brand it with bootlicking and cliche 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ also you have not read it till the end but already posted a bad review

    [We could just chill here till you turn 5-6 and move to Konoha and pretend to be a member of the Hyuga-Clan.]
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Harasamasa223

    😂😂😂 Friend you should read all the Chapters before posting things like this 🤙🏽

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Frog_King

    Well not everyone is vanilla 😂 some of us tend to be foul mouthed 🤔

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 EREBOS

    Well I don’t think normal people can deal with ending up in a different world without freaking out and being damaged mentally

    Ch 3 Daily life of a baby...
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 Edgelord666

    Thank you for sharing this story with me

    In many places Muslims are already being abused and they're either being forced out of politics or already being systematically attacked look at Muslims in China or at India and their hate for Islam... their politicians literally said "There will be no peace as long as there's Islam."...Point is this seems to be the trend of the World...Just like a century ago all hated the Jewish and we're moving towards repeating that shit all over again but this time with Muslims.
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 AzagalPlay

    I think whoever Created Jarvis had enough time to create and learn 🤷🏽‍♂️ This is my first novel and I am just writing what I feel like 🤔 and if you don’t like how other people do their stories maybe you should weite your own 😂 that is why I started writing

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa

    As a muslim we have the attitude to solve problems based on Understanding and words this is our nature only when we get oppressed or offended will we solve them by force... And personally I believe this is the right attitude to have but sometimes for the greater good it is also necessary to be offensive but this mindset isn’t well liked amongst other muslims 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Ch 39 1000 Deals over and under the table
    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 SageOfSins

    Well gyal-san Goodbye! I don’t know how you came up with the idea of 3rd-World also I am not a native speaker in english like most of the worlds population and final point only just because some old white douchbags decided that talking in english will be easier the language was decided on if you read it up you would be ashamed of even talking in english 🤔 So have a nice life

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa
  • DaoistHBz6Sa
    に返信 khazar

    Well actually no one has to tell me sth. like that also if you are offended you should stop reading all these novels because they’re haram 🤔 in most of these novels they’re depicting God and conceptsSuch as killing, stealing and glorifying them so 🤔 in my opinion you are in no place to be judgemental

    Are you kidding me
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistHBz6Sa