A handsome, cool looking young man.
says the level one daoist.
What happened to bucky btw?
The story is good and all but, author should have put slow-paced tag unto the description tags. Great grammar and smooth flow of sentences. Nothing out of place or forced so far. Also, I almost forgot about the system, though it'll never come. This is my review, that's all.
You wrong though. Its just competition between countries. It's not like the author is downplaying other countries. Well balance if I say so myself.
A great novel, new and interesting ideas. Clean grammar and sentences. Not much racism bs but proper competition. All in all, a thumbs up for the author. Hope this gets chosen.
A word of advice to the author, your chapter length is too short. The excitement I once had reading this is gone now, it's just isn't the same anymore like when I first read this. It was good for binge but for reading this once a day, it's just boring so, I decided to wait for it to stack chapters. Though no powers tones for now till there is more chapters.
M this is my review after reading for a while now, your story has a great start. With smooth grammar with few little mistakes when using proper words, all is good until you dicided to go with the common trope, 8 of 10 one piece fan fics out there go with having some of luffys crew into theirs. Turning this great fic into that of a meh, or barely good enaugh. If you want to have something that is popular, atleast go with something original. One piece world's is big and diverse. That's all.
Hey author, why don't you focus on your TGD fan fic. It's on top 18, why this fic is on top 50. If you focused on the TGD one, I assure you, you'll reach the top 5 in no time. It's only top 18 because you release chapters every 2 days.
I'm a bit weirded out because you can't see those haters commonly seen in every novel. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Author should have made him recall their memories bit by bit so that his power ups can be controlled.