Love Can Hurt Badly
"If you love someone, let them go if it was yours to keep it will come back, if it doesn't hunt it down and kill it."
Joshua Rose a self centered bastard that doesn't care about anyone but himself has been married to a woman name Sandra Millen Rose. They've been together since freshman year and they were crowned king and queen at Fern Court High School.
Joshua and Sandra has been married for over 10 years, and the couple managed to get pregnant in their second year of marriage with a set of twins. But everything changed when Sandra gave birth to her twin babies she named Ashley and Michael Rose.
Joshua that didn't hide anything from his wife started hiding things and not only hide things he pushes her away in the process.
Sandra couldn't satisfy him anymore and since she put on a little weight she didn't look beautiful in his eyes. As a result of this Joshua started having an affair with his next door neighbour he was only using to satisfy his needs.
One late evening three years later Sandra made her mind up to take a break outside Strench Town her neighbourhood she lived in to visit her best friend Amelia in George Town because she was under too much pressure at her home and at her two business places.
After a few weeks as Sandra's mind settled she went back home to surprise her husband Joshua by losing all the weight she gained and dressed up in a matching red sexy out fit she knew her husband would like. She knew her son and daughter were fast asleep when she reached the familiar house, so it was the right timing to get things down.
But as Sandra went up stairs to the bedroom she shared with Joshua and opened their room door quietly, she saw her husband in bed with her next door neighbour Catherine having sex in her favorite white sheet. Sandra couldn't move and for a minute because her world stop spinning but luckily she had her phone in her hand she was able to breathe and relaxed..... It was a good thing her phone was on airplane mood so no one could ring to interrupt her moment or anything.....
without thinking twice Sandra took videos and pictures of both of them and closed back the room door as if she didn't witness her husband cheating on her. But Sandra had a better plan, she quietly burned the video in a CD in the kitchen down stairs. After which ruining the entire house without making a sound.
How did Sandra burned the CD's without her husband noticing?????
Does Sandra husband still loves her, if no what happened????
What is Sandra going to do after she ruins the whole house and by ruining it what did she do????
Did Sandra went back where she was, and if yes did she carried her kids????
why didn't she let her husband aware of her presence?????
Read to find out the deep secrets of True Love Hurts Badly to see how it all ends❤❤❤❤
Sasheena_Lewis · ティーン