Ig: your_daddy._18
Ok it still doesnt make sense unless your adding numbers for the sake of adding
Trust me you get used to it
High school is called middle school in China they have a junior middle school which is middle school and a upper middle school which is high school
Powerball is us so its usd
Yeah after years of reading cn novels, I'm trying to correct that habit and it also doesn't help that I think in third person as well
He will always get crits and wil do 2x the crit damage
Same all i remember is the oblivion title
So like dc and marvel there's a multiverse the prime one is the one hope and the readers all are from Odin is from a similar parellel earth where cultivation was possible due to diffrent starting conditions
If by late you mean age then physically he’s 19 but his mannarisms and apperance are all an act