Professional loser
I waited 3 years and still never got a location, especially ones with incubi
She’s live about 20ish years but astral plane time works differently like you said, so in those 20 years a couple hundred passe by in Faerun
I wanted to carry it on with Karlach and Wyll in Avernus, finishing with the defeat of Zariel. He goes nuts just a little bit but reigns in after doing something morbid to some devils.
you get it
Monday and friday
He says he’s gonna splurge his insight using his new skill
Spoilers for anyone reading ahead For the ‘all hag passives’ later on, aside from resistances. The cantrips and spells he gains function as they do in 5e, but as he’s a bit awkward to guage in terms of spell slots, I have him use them sparingly in favour for rituals and cantrips
Nope, 4x comprehension and faultless memorisation
Honestly I forgot that kid existed, he is absolutely dead by now