Man your books are amazing. I swear you should be doing a video game with this. Make sure no one steals this for a video game or a comic. Thank you for working hard for all your books for us.
leaving 5 stars because so far your books keep me going. Thank you for working so hard to provide reading material during these times. Gives me something to look forward to everyday
Man you got talent. Your books are amazing. Now I have a few from you to read. I dont read alot so just focusing on yours for now cause they are fun to read. they can keep me awake for hours [img=recommend]Not sure if that's a good thing but keep them coming. Also don't pay attention to the haters. let them go fine another person to hate on. if you reply to them they will keep hating on you
Thank you for the chapters. loving your books.
This book is my Favorite so far but I see you have another book out. have to check that one out too. We are having excessive heat so indoors it is. I pray your heat isn't bad . thank you for writing for us fans.
thank you for all these chapters. Story is amazing.
Thank you for the chapters I am catching up
thank you for these chapters
I got to read more Chapters. still behind but man its nice to read them when I have time. I really look forward to this now. I haven't read anything else on here
This book is going to be one of the Greatest. I feel it might even become a comic. I see the Autbeing approach by Directors to make this into a movie even. I would pay to watch something like this.