Okay girl. The jump you made in your story was huge but lm intrigued. I wanna see how it will pen out or what your plan is. I love how you (from my understanding) challenging social norm(where have you heard of an African country that has only white people) and giving dark skinned women a chance to shine. Now l need you to update more regularly cause wow, a girl waits for updates. All love from my end.
I love love how your book is tackling one of the most common social justice issues. You are spreading light on an issue that many don't take serious and for that l applaud you. I like the way you use words to describe the main characters understanding of the events happening to her. How you disagree with the most common phrase" blood is thicker than water " because bottom line is it's not. This book is going to help many understand the impact of such traumatic events on the surviver. I am amazed and in love.
Great first chapter. It provided world background on the characters.
Im not one who is into fast paced books but this book is an exception
I love love your book. I like how you took a somewhat cliché story line and made it your own by adding a twist none of us could see coming. The writing quality is good but what l like the most is your character design.
I am obsessed with this book. Its given me motivation to explore different books. There is drama, romance and most of all suspense. I stan.
I love your style of writing. The first chapter has got me hooked.