


I like cats but they don't like me

2020-08-26 入りましたGlobal









  • Sr_Extremis

    actually it takes mutation, natural selection and a lot of years

    Tota's father asked, "Doesn't evolution take millions of years?"
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    アニメ·コミックス · ZeOwl
  • Sr_Extremis

    just say you did self suggestion with quirk to unluck that hidden muscle pwoer

    " Something strange is going on here. I read your file, and while it said you were abnormally strong, it shouldn't be to this extent. Your quirk shouldn't have an effect on your physical strength, nonetheless you displayed superhuman strength. Your grip strength test was also abnormal" He said.
    Altered Mind (MHA)
    アニメ·コミックス · Anubis_Creationz
  • Sr_Extremis

    I think it was a mutation type though? now it turned into transformation type.

    Since, I wasn't originally born with it, like the sludge villain was, I had to consciously activate it.
    Altered Mind (MHA)
    アニメ·コミックス · Anubis_Creationz
  • Sr_Extremis

    actually everyone is scarred of dying, its something biological. fear is an instic of survival and death being the end of life is the biggest fear. an example of this is a certain experiement. in it people, who do not have the necessary parts of the brain that induce fear where tested for various thing and did not react to most common fears. then they were clinically suffocated and reported that they felt fear, which shouldn't be possible considering their brain were literally incapable of it. if you curious look up the 6 innate fears of humans

    Some people fear being dead, while others are afraid of the actual act of dying.
    Altered Mind (MHA)
    アニメ·コミックス · Anubis_Creationz
  • Sr_Extremis

    I was thinking if it wouldn't be inconvenient to be a ninja with a door sized sword on your back... then I remenber the 7 swordman of the mist swords some look even huger or more eyecatching

    Ch 3 Chapter 3 Belief
    Naruto: The Great Swordsman
    アニメ·コミックス · Navy_King
  • Sr_Extremis

    yes yes become a famous doctor and implement obligatory weekly inspections of breast cancer for the entire village! this issue must be bought to light!

    His eyes are focused, but Sōseki seems to feel the slightest bit of pressure, and he didn't seem to be impatient at all. He then said softly, "I am Shimizu Sōseki and my hobby is to make many, many friends. As for my dream, I want to become a Medical Ninja and use my Medical Ninjutsu to erase the pain for our world."
    Naruto: Konoha's Light
    アニメ·コミックス · CalmingTranslation
  • Sr_Extremis

    I mean considering lockheart graduated with good grades from ravenxlaw and by defualt should be somewhat skillet in some magic but later on did not train and could only cast the obliviation charm then it isn't exactly farfetched to say magic is a muscle. the only thing that seems a little farfetched to me is the part of magic running out or getting tired from performing magic. cause for some reason wizards in the series seem to have unlimited mo, and rather than whenever you got enough mp left to cast a spell the problem is usually just if your mp bar is long enough

    It turned out that the magic core theory was true, magicals had magical cores, and the capacity depended on the amount of magic you used, so the saying, 'Magic is a muscle' was true. The more you used magic, the more magical capacity you would possess.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    書籍·文学 · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis
    に返信 AskAssassin

    lol hand gesturing? would be fun to do ninjutsu in harry potter

    All Quinn could do was keep trying to bring out the magic within himself, but nothing worked. Every day he failed to do magic. But, Quinn wasn't going to give up his pursuit of wandless magic. He knew that it was possible, and he knew it was possible to do it at a young age, as a young Tom Marvalo Riddle was able to do magic without a wand before ever knowing that he had magic.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    書籍·文学 · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    I mean neville uncle threw him out of the stair or window or aomething similar in an attempt to make the later have a magic riot, so I wouldn't put these reaction past canonical wozard interactions

    Quinn's approach was indeed correct as George replied with, "You don't have to worry, little Quinn. It was not your fault. I hope you won't think much about what happened today.", a hint of a smile made its way on his face as he continued, "You performed magic today, little Quinn. I am very proud of you."
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    書籍·文学 · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis
    Hoshiguro watched Gyon being carried away before answering. "Once in my youth, I fought a real shinobi... My son thinks himself to be strong, but he doesn't realise that he's only a frog in the well... It was the most terrorising experience of my life, but I'm glad I had it. Gyon didn't have that experience, and I simply wanted him to have that experience before this city turns into a battlefield."
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis
    に返信 Solomolecule

    i think he meant more in how she was giving his information to bloody thorn or whatever the dudes name was

    Takuma decided he'd heard enough. This was precisely why he didn't like iryo-nin other than Sango: they pried too deeply into his life. He opened his eyes; the iryo-nin didn't seem to notice, now engrossed with discussing his combat injuries that were more prominent than the original scars.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis
    に返信 Sinofwrath

    weed based genjutsu

    PPS: I think I'm done with pre-made genjutsu. It took a long time, but I think I'm ready for some customization.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis
    に返信 Arcanemissile

    he probably researched the base for iryo nin justsu to develop later on thou... or maybe it was the uzumaki clan's whose blood could have healing properties which could bebresearched into healing ninjutsu

    And I thought the person who operated ROOT would be the perfect person to create Hidden Leaf's ANBU. It oddly fits and allows Danzo actual experience to later set up ROOT.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    just thought of something interesting, if you consider chakra is fusion of physical and mental energies then a person's peak period is when their body is developed to the genetic limit and the spiritual power is also grown at least enough to match it. in that case do ninjas become weaker later on because mental power keeps growing and physical power decays diminishing chakra and diminishing purity?

    Ichi tensed up when a wave of pure, unadulterated chakra flooded the room, shaking the windows—shaking the entire building. He looked up at Hiruzen with worry in his eyes behind the mask.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    I mean you can't expect mizuki's chakra and a biju's chakra to have the same quality right?

    "Quality of chakra? Chakra has quality?" he said. This was the first time Takuma had heard about it—from his knowledge, chakra was all about quantity.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    its exactly that thou?

    The Police Force was in a delicate position after the assassination attempt. One of their officers was attacked at his home, and then they had lost the assassins' bodies. On top of that, they had managed to anger Takuma by booting him from his team. They were concerned by their recruitment program, which was still in its infancy, if Takuma, who was in the first recruitment batch and was by far the most successful, decided to badmouth the Police Force. They needed top talent in the Police Force to maintain the legacy, and Takuma's words could have a snowball effect. They were scared that if shinobi started to think the Police Force didn't care if one of their outside recruits almost got assassinated and had even demoted him.
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    now hes just being naive

    "You can ask—"
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    like this guy now

    Masaaki looked up and gave a thumbs-up. "You get to beat up some bandits, nice!"
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    dunno all in all I like him, but I still can't have a positive perception of him just because of what he did to naruto. minato handed naruto in hiruzan's arms in his death bed after sacrificing his life which should have been done by hiruzan who wa salmost senile already at the point and the result? naruto was shunned unresonably, never knew about his parents or even that they loved him, he only earned the bare minimum pension and had to catch fish and drink expired milk, and hiruzan still got the gal to come over and eat one of the fishs a starving kid barely got it. he couldn't properly guide any of his diciples and all of them turned into dissapointment one way or another, he basically forced one of the hyuga brothers into suicide just because it was the easiest and least troublesome way out. he also learned under second hokage and knew the village areangemebt for uchiha was ill intended from the start. i mean the security guard is basically owned by the uchiha, and factoring that it was impossible for a hokage to be chosen among uchiha since that would mean uchiha hold both legislative andexecutive powers of the vilage which shoul not be given to a hokage. yet he never aproached or tried to solve the issue. he knew about white fang intentional reputation dirting and did nothing allowing one of the top 3 strongest man of the village to commit suicide just like that. he also knew of danzo killing of shisui for sharigan and did nothing he knew danzo collected the sharigan after the assassination of the clan (at least some, the ones obito and itachi didn't find) and also knew later on danzo even sponsored orochimaru on doing human experimentation in children that killed basically 99% of subjects. all in all Author of naruto paints hiruzan nicely and thats why we like him but facts wise? he was one of the worst criminal and definetly the worst hokage, even worst than temp danzo who didn't have timento screw up.

    [2]: I rarely consider a character to be 100% Evil/Bad. Unlike a lot of fanfiction, I like Hiruzen enough— he's not perfect, but he's aight. However, after I was done writing the Hiruzen dialog in the middle— I realized from a certain angle, it could seem that he was putting on an emotional performance to gain Shisui's permanent allegiance so that he would have that double spy. And who knows, maybe somewhere that was his purpose. That was an interesting thought. Or was that what I intended from the get go?
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader
  • Sr_Extremis

    dunno man, selling drugs when there is a uchiha police force sounds like sky high risk profession. No not sky high, almost straight suicidal

    Ch 84 CH_3.25 (084)
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    アニメ·コミックス · FictionOnlyReader