


I'm a writer for fun and just like writing about cute girls. pfp by @0187_ichirin (twitter)

2020-07-31 入りましたUnited States






  • Saikoes
    Saikoes2 years ago
    に返信 Leomeg

    I thought long and hard about how to respond to this. I know it's 99% a bot, but I just couldn't help how frustrated it made me. I just couldn't think of the proper way of expressing what I thought about your comment on my novel. Should I let someone who has clearly never read a single word of my story promote their website on my novel? Should I just ignore it? Say something? Express my frustration with how much I hate people who post just to try and promote weird new sites for publishing novels? Should I even check out the site? Put simply. No. Do not contact me about being a paid author. I don't care. I write for myself and to express things that I want to express to people. I don't care about being paid to write, I don't care about growing my name, doing any of that. I want to make things myself, be proud of them, and go home at the end of the day. I want to create things that I love. So, have a good day, and again, no.

  • Saikoes
    Saikoes3 years ago

    Biantai (变态) means pervert.

  • Saikoes
    Saikoes3 years ago

    Translates to "Three, two, one! Eggplant!" Eggplant is the Chinese equivalent of saying "Cheese" for photos.

  • Saikoes
    Saikoes3 years ago
    に返信 lslmanoban

    I'm always so late to see comments lol, but I'm glad you were hooked immediately, I'm going to be working on this story a lot more in the coming future.

  • Saikoes
    Saikoes4 years ago
    に返信 alsk324

    I know I'm late seeing this, but I want to let you know that I am currently drafting Chapter 2! It'll be out very soon and I hope you'll like that chapter as well! The main reason this hasn't been updated yet is because I've been focusing on my main project, though I'll show some more love to this series too. Thank you for your kind words and I hope to see you again soon!