“This stone lock can be unlocked with a stone”
Shedinja will be fun to throw at anyone without fire abilities
Captain america tricked us
Wasnt it a minimum of 3 hours (30% of max) now?
Yeah right. If they get Celis back his cultivation would be reset since he hasn’t used the new sky cultivation method. Then they would have to do the whole cultivate someone from nothing plan again.
So what happened to bringing the genius back tonight? Was she lying because a dog didn’t deserve to know the truth?
Whitebeard just kind of went around making random people call him father. So from a glance that is pretty similar to what this emperor was doing. Only difference was that the emperor was actively forcing strong people to reincarnate into his children rather than just finding them and claiming them as children.
We have been trying to reach you about your extended warranty on life.- goldfish