Happy birthday, Madjic! Hopefully, Chelsea will find a way to change Mira and Mally's fate in the future. She loves both of them quite a lot.
Thanks for the great chapter! She'll be broken in one day.
Pretty sure, Aster has lost track of how many women she's released in that at this point, her sheath is pretty useless. I'm just waiting for the baby mother's to start appearing as maids around the place, due to mommy saving grand babies before Aster starts realizing how many people she got pregnant.
Thanks for the second chapter! Multi pov break chapter starting off nicely.
I love these chapters! Thanks for the great chapter.
Thanks for the great chapter! There will be more chances for Camara to learn... I hope.
Thanks for the great chapter! Goddess lore is always wonderful to read. It's sad that the tribes could not maintain peace.
My oh my, I never thought catching child be so intimate. Thanks for the great chapter!
Day late, but thank you for this great chapter! I can't believe I'm actually really interested in the teaching Cici and Annie are giving Camara.
It's totally feasible for the future, if not now.