Something about urself
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
😂😂😂, that was a good one
damn and he had the will power to wait for permission.
and we love blossom the most and so should quin.
u r wrong, she is the best girl EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
am defently cool with dragons, snakes r near my limits, if they have legs then its ok, but i just dont need any slithring around 😂
i actully prefer the old name sounds cooler way cooler.
here we go again. why cant authors leave well enough alone, and have to force back rounds into everything.
plz just let her be the adorable little unty, and not give her some complcated back round, and have the mc simp so hard that we hate her as u did with that ficies eating bi*ch in ur story. 🤦♂️
not a bi*ch sorry selen, she is the goat throt now.