probably not too long but i doubt the whole body reforging thing was quick
awespec making a villain character not retarded challenge: impossible difficulty
rookie mistake you're expecting an awespec mc to behave remotely rationally or intelligently and that's just not how he works. He has delusion of what stoicism is and all that. mc can never absolutely never get in a situation that isnt completely bullshit. i remember the loki arc in rmw and that mc got gumba stomped for 200 chapters straight it was genuinely frustrating too read and while awe learned a bit from that fiasco effectively killing his story he still has these sucidal writing ideations from time to time
after all those thousands of chapters this still being what awespec thinks being cool is all about and thinking that his characters live up to that standard will never not be hilarious to me
please never cook again the entire kitchen is burned down and everything tastes like charcoal
wanna bet that by the time he can actually use armor it will no longer have any use to him. i know awespeks style, dude just cant help himself he has those compulsive patterns he repeats over and over again
symbiosis is antithetical to parasitism
why do I have a feeling awe is going to pull the classic "i let my self be boxed in by the simulation there's so much more potential" schtick once he needs a Deus ex machina moment