

2020-06-30 入りましたUnited States









  • GoMagikarp
    に返信 Potato_Po_ta_to

    Or, maybe, she's literally one of his best and oldest friends in the world and even if they can get competitive and annoy each other, it's all in good fun. That it's not about WINNING and PROVING TO EVERYONE HOW SUPERIOR HE IS AS HE EXALTS IN HIS ALPHA MALE DOMINANCE! Seriously, it's two teenager friends messing with each other. You're just projecting with all this pushover talk.

    Ch 102 Conference
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp

    Looks like Alex is getting better at spell creation. Going from months to weeks is no joke. Or maybe the hex was just relatively more simple to create.

    So, I spent a few weeks inventing a new unique hex I had dubbed the Slytherin Special. The best part of the spell was it was designed to resist all common counterspells. Short of going to Professor Dumbledore and having him overpower the spell, the only way to remove this hex was to say the magic words, so to speak.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp

    The International Dueling Arc is gonna be so much fun.

    The rest of the semester seemed to fly on by. In my free time, outside of learning 6th-year magics. I divided my focus into a few different areas. My skills with nonverbal spells were improving at an exponential rate. Once I figured out the necessary amounts of concentration required, nonverbal spells became easier to master. I was looking forward to my showing at the International Dueling Competition. It will be interesting to see the looks on my opponent's faces.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp
    に返信 Scythe02

    I guess they wouldn't necessarily know who he was so the name shouldn't have raised any flags by itself. And they probably only really used the map when they were outside of the Griffyndor common room since there's no real reason to check who was in such a relatively safe space. And therefore they would have no reason to wonder why this Peter guy is always in their brother's room. Especially since I can't imagine someone they pay less attention to than Percy. Is my stretched thin, gun-to-my-head, rational. More likely is that Rolling was writing a book for 10 year olds and didn't really care or think it through.

    I spent the next half hour checking names making sure the map was working correctly. I briefly paused when I saw Peter Pettigrew's name in the Gryffindor area. I hadn't forgotten about that little rat. I had to fight the urge to storm the Gryffindor area and kill that little traitor.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp
    に返信 QueenCarnage

    Why? They're best friends and it's all in good fun. He ****ed with her, she retaliated with a vengeance. He should have known better. He well knew she deserves to be in Slytherin. Plus, it's good practice and helps the both of them.

    Dammit, Anna. This was not a proportionate response.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp

    The idea that Renji of all people would be a positive shows just how mentally ill the MC is.

    And Byakuya ruins the 6th division with all of his rules and nobility talk. Renji would make it almost tolerable but I just can't put myself through that. Komamura of the 7th is similar except he is more about honor than rules.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    アニメ·コミックス · BoredAsura
  • GoMagikarp

    As opposed to a happy sigh?

    Ren woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around at the small room he was in and let out a sad sigh. The tatami mats on the floor, the futon he was sleeping in, and the sword that was right beside him. All of it was still there.
    Worst Soul Reaper
    アニメ·コミックス · BoredAsura
  • GoMagikarp

    So... His mom has green eyes. His dad has brown eyes. And he has blue eyes? And his mom has red hair. His dad has black hair. And he has blonde hair? What?

    At that moment, a light wail was heard. And then, a wailing sound woke James from his anger. He darted into the room his wife was in, just in time to see his first child in the arms of his mother, slowly calming down. He looked at his child and saw his father's blue eyes in him. The baby had dark blonde hair, borderline brown, and there was a hint of green in his eyes too, but it was barely visible. The baby was already clean, so he thought the midwife cleaned him with a simple spell.
    HP: The Guardian
    書籍·文学 · BrownAmerican
  • GoMagikarp

    Holy run on sentence batman!

    "Nope! No wishes, no getting superpowers, no golden fingers and no cheats. What you get is this." he said before motioning to his side where a table shimmered into reality. Sitting on the table was a fantasy looking backpack, by that i mean it looks exactly like what you would imagine a backpack from a fantasy world from with a tan leather making the bulk of it and the accents and straps being a bright brown with blue spherical gems embedded in the embossed leather accents there was even a place for a potion and from what i could gleam of the bottle sitting in its slot glowing slightly the same color as the red liquid sitting inside the ornate flask.
    In A Marvelous World With DnD Books
    映画 · Demonchildz
  • GoMagikarp
    に返信 Jmwells2003
    Focusing on the shadowy version of myself, I started noticing more details. Like a shallow scar running through my left eyebrow and down my cheek. Or the ring with a gem that shifted colors on my right hand.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp

    I wasn't totally sure, so I skimmed a bit and checked some of the earlier chapters. The ring is totally made from the time crystal thingamabob from the Grendel cave in year 1. Which - considering wonky magic time shenanigans - could explain why an older Alex might be able to muck around with younger Alex through the mirror. Very nice callback if so.

    Focusing on the shadowy version of myself, I started noticing more details. Like a shallow scar running through my left eyebrow and down my cheek. Or the ring with a gem that shifted colors on my right hand.
    Rebirth in a Magical World
    書籍·文学 · Jmwells2003
  • GoMagikarp

    So he has to go out of his way to stop May from lightly smacking his head (or else she'd hurt herself), but he can hit Peter's head, put him in a headlock and grind his fist against his skull? You might want to go back and iron out the inconstancy. Either everything is tissue paper to him and he goes out of his way to be super careful due to his durability/strength, or he has enough control to jokingly roughhouse with an asthmatic child without hurting him. Switching between each extreme in just a few paragraphs us just confusing.

    Sighing, I pulled Pete into a headlock and gave him a knuckle sandwich. He tried to get out but even if I was a normal kid, I was still a head taller than him and much less skinny despite his being the same age.
    MCU: Viltrumite
    映画 · Stan_Wheeler
  • GoMagikarp

    Thumbs up for not monologuing! The kid is learning.

    ''I'm sure you would like to know, but I don't feel like explaining it.'' He mused, sheathing his zanpakuto while walking towards the fallen captain. It appeared like the wolf-man was still barely conscious, though he was unable to move or talk.
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    Hmm. I'm guessing that this means the time-based power suggestion is what you're going for.

    ''No.'' His zanpakuto spirit shook his head in denial, closing the door just when the scene started repeating itself right from the start, as if it was a video in an endless loop. ''Not memories, echoes.''
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    Lol. The kid is hilarious. I always love when Zanpakuto spirits low key don't like their wielders. I feel like him and system-chan would get along.

    ''I don't want to talk to you, though.'' The smile that the kid had sported throughout the whole conversation was gone. ''You are way too serious,, it's no fun at all.''
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    Isn't it out of his hands? I'm pretty sure you don't have an active hand in how the zanpakuto develops. Unless this is a system thing.

    ''Alright then.'' He agreed after a while, taking the path to the right as he separated himself from the rest of the group. Truth be told, he thought that this was the best scenario for him right now, after all he needed some time to figure out the best approach to shape his bland asauchi into an actual zanpakuto.
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    You really need to work on run-on sentences. Periods my dude. Or at least semi colons. Something other than commas stitching way too many separate clauses together.

    The park was quite empty this time of day, the shopping district was quite far away from his house and the park was right in between the two, he only started jogging because it took 40 minutes to just walk to the store, this way he got exercise and the groceries at the same time.
    Light Human In MHA
    アニメ·コミックス · VeganMaster
  • GoMagikarp
    に返信 KindaWeirdChampBro

    Okay. That's much better. One of the pictures when you google 'Ichigo fullbringer' is this awkward skeleton knight armor. Glad that's not the case here.

    His shihakusho was fairly similar to Ichigo's own fullbringer attire, with occasional white lines adorning the black robes. There was a main difference, and he almost panicked when noticing that he no longer had his green necklace resting on his neck, but it was now replaced by a black tattoo with the exact same form of his necklace.
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    It's actual robes, right? Cause I just googled Ichigo's fullbringer outfit and woof. It's uh, not a good look. I do wonder why the necklace became a tattoo? Like, why would a shinigami class do that? Something about the classes not playing together well?

    His shihakusho was fairly similar to Ichigo's own fullbringer attire, with occasional white lines adorning the black robes. There was a main difference, and he almost panicked when noticing that he no longer had his green necklace resting on his neck, but it was now replaced by a black tattoo with the exact same form of his necklace.
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro
  • GoMagikarp

    The guy is the worst. He literally has "tribal" tattoos. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a barbed wire tattoo hidden under his uniform. That's the kind of trash he is.

    ''Ugh… It was Renji.''
    In Bleach with a System!
    アニメ·コミックス · KindaWeirdChampBro