One dragon was under 10, one was under 20, yet Dreamfrye was over 100. This was when Dragons still grew large and not so obviously declining each generation. Like the rate in which Danys dragons are growing.
A good one here on Webnovel is 'King of Winter' it's got 36 chapters. Tbh most of the good ones aren't on webnovel in general. Idiots, lackwits and imbeciles the trials of Rickard Stark is another good one on FF.net Wearing Roberts Crown was an enjoyable one. also on FF.net
Fic is AI garbage
The Mc kills this story. What a disappointment.
Bro is not subtle at all. Like the exact opposite of subtle..
Hes a 6 year old child trying to show off by fighting.. What did you think was going to happen?
give one to gojo.. See how Sukuna fairs then
What am i even looking at?
Tbh that third wish is gonna hard carry
So many 'Kurama' Fics but hardly any of them are any good, the majority have systems to do the heavy lifting and the story is often bland asf repeats. Nice to see this one is different and written well. Keep it up Author!