just a broke uni student living life and reading webnovels :)
the books is interesting enough. is it worth paying for? i don't know, all i'll say is things can be found anywhere if you know where to look. the main character is a bit annoying, but it's possible to just gloss over his unnecessary tangents and rants. especially when things get weird or political, which i don't understand. i'd appreciate if authors stopped inserting their own views and politics into their novels, but that's just me. decent work overall.
these two annoy me. i hate sly, secretive types the most, especially when they try to control and follow everyone. so vulgar
i don't like these guys... just mind ur own beeswax and get your grown nose out of her business
ewwww if he's the male lead i'm stopping this book immediately... a grown man thinking about a 6 year old?? disgusting
to think even an empress would fall victim to love... damn
exactly, that's how a real newly born baby should look
Hi! Author giving a shameless review, it's so funny to be on this side of things now. I have a lot to work to do in terms of my writing and pacing, so please let me know where I can improve! I just really wanted to write this story, regardless of my skill level. I hope you enjoy it, if only just a little :)
reality is enough of a comparison. there are poor and malnourished people everywhere, no need to compare to african refugees. just weird af