A college student with a passion for writing and story telling. Due to school I'll have a sporadic upload schedule, however I hope you all enjoy!
Read through the first couple chapters, and I was immediately grasped by the intense opening. It's a very niche topic yet it was beautifully executed by the author, who holds nothing back in terms of skill with words. 10/10 very good- keep writing!
So I recently finished chapter 3, and I have to say that I genuinely am intrigued by the character and the world you've created! That being said, I noticed that the writing style was very fast paced, and a lot of information gets said at once- Maybe for future chapters slow down with the descriptions, take some time to observe the surrounding and paint a higher definition picture in both the readers, and the protagonist's minds. Despite that one really fixable minor detail, it was really fun and entertaining to read. Keep writing!
I read through the first three chapters and wow. I love the motive for the main character, as well as his progression so far. I have never read or even heard of a Reincarnation story that has the protagonist actively trying to go back to his old life. Makes for a very fun and entertaining read.
Really good romance story! I read everything that was out in maybe two hours. Can’t wait to see what happens next! For anyone who wants a heartwarming story, there’s definItely promise here.