It involves this high school in Tennessee where young sexy fine jock Shawn, is snatched by an alien which crashed as he was going back home after a party, an it shape shifts into him, controlling his body an turning him from rude an homophobic to accepting an sweet (even snatched a nigga) BUT WHEN HE SEDUCES YOU......YOURE DEAD ?⚰️
The government tries but fails to combat this thing, but in the mountains there's a Native American woman......Lynn Jackson, has history with this alien, an she goes on a mission to vanquish is for good!
Meanwhile, Geloni is a gay kid he's bullied a lot by Shawn an his footballer homies.....but one of the ballers, Des, likes him on the low an they get real close, forming a relationship an Des must choose tween his reputation or Geloni ?
BoniTraxton · SF