ime a cat
yes, dragon ball odyssey, it'll be posted on my new account SeventhValentine
Isaac simply had a "condition" that hospitalized him, something that he got at birth, it doesn't really need any more explanation as its not important to the story. And as for how he felt, he basically used fiction to cope with his sadness, which imma actually add rn
The exposition at the beginning felt a bit too direct and somewhat off. The writing quality is overall fairly good. Concepts and story seem interesting. Overall it seems to have potential.
Could you further explain what you meant by the second thing?
Overall pretty good, the story is interesting. Writing quality is overall fairly good with a few errors, but those would be an easy fix. Dialogue and character interactions feel good and fairly realistic.
The writing quality is overall pretty good. Story is interesting and pulls me in. The characters seem fun and the dialogue is fairly good. Overall pretty good novel.
There most likely will be a romantic interest in the future
Overall a good novel of what i've read. The writing quality is superb, the dialogue sounds realistic and characters seem fun, will be continuing to read.
While the writing quality isn't so great, the characters seem fun and it seems like it could be a great story if the writer improved his writing
thinking maybe custom forms or android, ill decide in the future