idiot MC. ****! i drop this
can you use POV? ok I understand if this writing style is taken from the point of view of mc or POV1 person. but you mix pov1 with narrator's POV without switching between POV 1 with narrator's POV. it's very annoying. please be more consistent. if this story only focuses on POV 1 there is no fun. to be honest in my opinion. because each storyline only focuses on what MC is living. just monotonous. I prefer narrator's POV, because in this writing style, you can tell or take a different angle, POV 1 only tells what is felt, experienced, carried out and seen. Moreover, this fanfic should be wider and not obstructed because it focuses on the MC. some original characters must also be included so that the story is better than just from the point of view of mc. thanks
anime hentai bang. yang ini nekopoi ada nya . cuma 2 episode tapi bikin keras haha
mc stupid blinded by love. You stupid. the storyline is too forceful.inflexible and natural. the point is Useless
fanfic Useless very strange in the POV MC writing style. not like the novel used to be. This one is so weird. does not make sense. and stupid. Stupid MC. disappointed with this fanfic.. I dropped this novel, because of the writing style and the strange storyline, the interactions between the characters were ridiculous. nothing is flexible.moreover the MC is very stupid. stupid storyline. zodiac character here he has rebelled and the MC still confesses "love"? stupid. stupid makes no sense. thanks. I came out because it was difficult to read and difficult to understand, because it is useless. thanks
mc idiot atau ????? jadi mau bikin karakter yang seperti apa ? konsepnya ga jelas dan hambar. seperti hal nya 2 bab tadi . hanya karena adegan "truk" dia diam seperti idiot. shock lebay. seharusnya sebagai orang yang "bereinkarnasi" dia mengerti dan paham. kalau dia tidak "sendiri". perbaiki karakter yang jelas dan jangan labil. antara cerita dan interaksi antar karakter sangat kaku. tidak fleksibel. terlalu di paksa. jadi perbaiki. sangat di sayangkan karena ini punya potensi. makasih