I'm super weird quick warning
ayo my g knows what's up 👌👍😎
only reason i don't like Yuri is if your going to be a women why not get the whole experience package? do you just plan to never have children? which makes me have the thought of "boring" just hanging this out there while i don't like Yuri i do like the story that comes with the Yuri genre so I'm not HATING it just don't like Yuri cause it's disappointing that i see a mommy protag >.>
i don't have many comments left to give tbh except this is one the few novels that genuinely makes me smile 😁😄
i mainly like this novel because it's something different something new and add that too male too female being my favorite genre
a bit but it's this kind of difference that makes it interesting is it not? 🤔👍😎
YESSSSSSSSSS so adorbss!!! 😍 🥰
one word...wholesome and I love it
like usual I am very much looking forward to it mostly reading your novel on this website now top my history still XD
now I have another thing too look forward to ... as H20 delirious the YouTuber used to say or maybe Vanoss?....GIVE BIRTH GIVVEEEEE BIRTH GIVE BIRTH! GIVE BIRTH!!!!