Very middle of the road fanfiction I personally can get past the grammar I don't mind it as much but it's just your average reincarnated into a child with the mind of an adult getting attracted to another child which is actually pretty damn common for fanfics as disgusting as it is and also what is the point of the MC having knowledge of the future and a Canon if he's not going to do anything or change it at that point just reincarnate your MC with no memories of there past life. Literally the only reason why I kept reading is because of his power
I made it to chapter 61 and I've decided to drop the fic for the reason stated in my review. I've tried reading past but it literally just feels like I'm reading one of my high school 10,000 word essays where I had to write a whole bunch of fancy words to fill up the word count
The writing quality and story of the first couple chapters are pretty good but like after chapter 6 it is pretty obvious that the fanfic is written or heavily influenced by AI a whole bunch of fancy words and information that has either no meaning or nothing to do with the story and plot it got so bad to the point where I had to skip multiple chapters and also a lot of character information inconsistencies like in one chapter the hokage learns about the MC and his experiments only for him to completely forget two chapters later to rehear about the experiments again and by the way that kind of situation happens multiple times throughout it gets really annoying. there are also a couple different things that I don't like about the fic but they're mostly just nitpicking and personal pet peeves. I mean generally speaking I don't mind a slow burner fanfic but if it's a slow burner fanfic with a whole bunch of extra words that is either made by AI or to just artificially bump up the word count which in my opinion is worse. it gets extremely frustrating and I'm trying to read past chapter 40 but I feel like everything in 40 chapters could have been put into 20
And another thing is that characters that in one chapter find something out or gets knowledge of something completely forgets about it only for them to relearn the knowledge or information.you know none of the think about it a lot of the clues point towards this novel being written by a AI early some parts are heavily influenced by an AI the whole bunch of fancy words that don't mean anything the inconsistencies of information it all makes sense now
I'm on chapter 20 and I will say one thing that does kind of annoy me a little bit is the author likes to use a whole bunch of fancy words that don't mean anything that artificially boost the word count it's so bad to where I straight up had to skip a whole ass chapter for useless information that has nothing to do with the story and I can kind of understand why the author writes it like that but this is not a 10,000 word essay where you have to use a whole bunch of words just to fill in the word count if anything this is a fanfiction to where you actually can write less detail about characters that we already know how they look because it is a fanfic not an original work
The only reason why this isn't getting a one-story is because of the decent translating quality and upload speed everything else is trashy in what really made me drop the thick is around when he finally hit 100% on his orochi template he basically lost all of his powers which starts from zero which basically made it repeated every single time and it made me so furious I dropped the fic
Generally speaking I give these fics the benefit of the doubt then read them even though they have bad reviews and sometimes you can find a gem or two that just gets heated on for no reason but this is not one of those starts off with a good cool premise the second I read that he can let other people read his grimoire immediately pushed down my optimism for this constant wasted opportunity the second he actually finished the test to become a doctor the tester wanted to marry her daughter to him and she does so by forcing him so I decided to drop the fic for that but I just read the next chapter cuz I already had it loaded then it proceeds to waste the rest of the intrigue I had for the novel prestige to show him that he apparently absolutely humiliated himself because he got drunk and so everyone in the Black Bull it basically bullying him over it which was the only reason why I'm writing this review
I know for a fact I've read this mtl somewhere with 200 plus chapters I just don't remember the name and where I read it I mean it was pretty goodhis is actually pretty well written better than the last one I read it doesn't have a lot of nationalism or racism like a lot of other ones have so it's pretty decent in my eyes
What do you mean out of nowhere 99% of these fanfics have overpowered main characters regardless and this one at least has a bit of lead up to the point before he gets really powerful at least compared to a lot of them that start off extremely op from the start
It's pretty good in the beginning whenever the author started adding in more and more other franchises and movies into the story he got really annoying cuz I feel like he was delaying the marvel plot and that's literally the only reason why I'm reading this fanfic nothing wrong with teenage mutant Ninja turtles or the transformer series but when I'm reading this it feels like I'm just wasting my time instead of reading something actually entertaining