idk what to write
ha! the good old times!
everyone out here jinxing the heck out of this guy!
amazing first chapter 100% /s
soon is not soon enough.
he doesn't quite sure anyone until really late into the book. but there will be a FL.
He has been sick, so he took a break for the month of February so he can get better.
I wouldn't say he is overpowered. he is very powerful, but there are others who are as strong or stronger than him.
you can lie through a mind link, just not through memories!
the author will be on a short break until the 10th of June. so hopefully, he'll host's soon.
I've been reading this book for a while now, and it's amazing! although my words can't do this work of art justice I'll try my best: The characters feel so real and the author does an amazing job in making all of the magical laws make sense. when the protagonist becomes more powerful it isn't in some vague way that he is suddenly "stronger" but he gains some new thing through hard work. it makes the story that much more impressive because it feels like he is just describing how another world works rather than some make belive thing!