Like reading books.
termites are also eaten in certain places in the world. Good protein I hear
To stake a claim before other clans make an offer. It is always possible for any child born to possibly be a genius in this case in cultuvation.
When all is relatively well with the World we can afford to let young girls have a longer childhood until before declaring them adults. Now if we are having a World Wide Apocalypse where 75% of the world human population is no longer alive we may have to redefine what age someone becomes an adult is. I would not go younger then 16 years old and only as a last resort. They would be old enough to be fertile and a reasonable chance to survive a pregnancy during the Apocalypse. With that being said I would recommend waiting 1 to 2 years before any woman gets pregnant after the Apocalypse. It Will be hard enough surviving as it is we would be better being a little patient and get our survival needs settled before uping the difficulty level. If a woman already is with child then we will do what we can to help mother and child. It just would be best Not to add more until we get things figured out.
They need a Holy Handgrande. haha
Their are a lot of women out there that have a harem, but they call it a roster.