


I want to create nine song, to express myself, express all living beings, express heaven and earth!

2020-11-27 入りましたGlobal







  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 Jorge_Valenzuela

    Author want to create impact and remind us , or characters in the story of how strong H was.For the Amra and Penswi, this H Dalki doesn't look that strong outwardly so he need to do something to make him seems formidable.There many ways to achieve this but our dear author is not exactly that smart in his approach, you see.What was going on in his head was probably to killed off a considerably powerful character with high social status and a lot of influence.Who else is the better candidate?What doesn't make sense was like you said, her death was so stupid it felt too forced. A person leading her nation dying like that because she wants to do surprise attack? On an eight spikes Dalki no less? While she was being careful the entire time? I'm sorry but that's just too forced and stupid.If it's some random characters who want to prove themselves then fine, it's jot a big deal.But we are talking about someone who rule an entire race, no less. It's not like she's some stupid commoner with no brain only brawn.No, she's a royal Princess with education and fighting skills. To rush in like that was just plain stupid and unfitted for her character You should get better, author.

    The trident had moved too fast, the attack was too fast, and now, Wince, looking down at her stomach, there was a large hole. Nearly her entire midsection was missing. She didn't even have time to say her last words as she fell to the floor, followed by the screams of her sister.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    this mf born with ruler of blood title

    In the end, Edvard needed to go to the toilet and left Galen on his own for a few seconds. When he did, Galen started to put both of his hands together, a few moments later and there were sparks of red aura appearing, as he moved his hands, he too had created a rainbow out of his aura.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    if Quinn ever have a cousin, they would be like: why can't you be like Galen, he's a professional musician with 20 years work experience. He is 9!

    "Thank you so much Galen!" Layla said, as she took the cloth and went to kiss Galen's cheek, who was standing on the table. "You really are a special boy, always helping out your mother like this."
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    that's a stupid idea, she might ended up killing them because some people took her stupid juice box

    The suggestion didn't sound too bad to Quinn, but there was one other thing on his mind. Minny would be away from him from time to time. So it would be best to use the upgrading crystal to give her a godslayer weapon.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    please let it not be my boy Tai Talen🥺

    "At the time, there was a person standing by his side. None of the originals felt like they could even look the said person in the eye. Quinn, you are strong, so perhaps you can take on both of these guards without much of a problem, but if you don't learn the secret of that power, will you really be okay with everyone having forgotten about you?"
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    exactly, why is his IQ dropping all of a sudden. He could just let her go with Edvard and pretend to be studying while ' let her go home from time to time '

    'Such a fool of a father.' Magnus thought. 'If we wanted to, we could take her with us by force, and I'm sure she would see our ways. Why is a nobody guard suddenly acting up like this?'
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 TheFallofAllThings


    "Galen Talen?" Layla repeated. "It certainly has a ring to it. I think it's a good suggestion. What do you think?"
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 SimbaCrowned67

    where did the Godslayers half even came from, Russ?

    "That's certainly strange? But didn't we have a promise?"
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    who on earth born and have hair? Then again, this guy is a celestial

    When looking at him, he had small amounts of curly black hair, his eyes, as they opened, were a red colour.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi


    Looking up, Quinn was looking at the person who had entered with her, because Minny hadn't entered on her own. Honestly, he hated to admit it, but he had somewhat forgotten about Minny.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    this one is reasonable enough if he's op like little brat Minny or stronger. He's a godam celestial born when Quinn has 1 billion celestial points of energy after all.

    This only spurred them to get on the family's good side even sooner. If they had created one miracle child, perhaps there was a chance another one was on the way.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    she's too talent it became ugly

    Naturally, Minny, wanting to stop Jared from speaking those words, had made a fist powered with Qi and blood aura. Something that Quinn had to learn over time, in this tense situation, Minny was doing it naturally.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    so easy to manipulate

    'No, I can't I can't let him say those words!'
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    wow, this guy is good, no cap. Even Quinn couldn't do something like this when he was a noble

    Finally, it had finished forming and now they could see it, it was a sword made out of blood aura. Now it's my time to attack, Jared said as he ran forward.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    I wish Zain will give one of his two machete to Dali. He's a cool guy and a good leader. He knows boundaries and knows that something should be asked or not. I wish Zain could either give Dali one of his or craft it for him since they might be facing a few stage two on their way after this. I wish Dali got the white machete though, sure it was not as tough like Titan, but it can be reshaped once an hour and can grown back if it breaks. It's a good way of faking an ability or prove yourself useful to the organisation so they will give him position. Who knows, maybe his lack of talent( ability of superhuman ) can be compensated with his high fighting abilities and combat instinct. Maybe he and his group can help Zain in the future after he built his forces in the Zombie hunter organisation

    Ch 194 A new toy
    Level up Zombie
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    Harry, Jonas, Sova, Yoru, Chamber pls be a boy, I don't want another annoying kid like Minny in this house

    Hey everyone, so for this chapter I wanted to do something interesting. I don't have a name for the Baby! Of course, we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet, however, down below in the comments I would like you to suggest names for the baby.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi

    pls, something but not Gary.

    Pea was the name that Ronkin had given to his son. Quinn had heard it before and couldn't 't believe someone would be so cruel to name their child such a thing, but it did make Quinn think… what would he call his? He still hadn't even thought of a name yet.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 zairen28

    either they got wiped, captured and torture, or went into hiding

    "Which is why it is important to build up allies, but remember this. Even if our memories were removed of you one day and replaced with something else, whatever is removing our memories can't remove memories that they don't know about. As long as we see the shadow power that you hold, and the words 'the Punisher's Convent', we will always help you."
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 DarkShadowBlaze

    I don't think consuming negative emotions is a permanent boost. It's like how vampire drink blood and heal so they can do more blood attack, same logic as Layla. Godslayers are people so powerful by themselves they could kill a god, which Layla might be able to since she has a Godslayer weapon. She could be in their League for a bit, but that wouldn't make her one. Either she start accumulating huge amount of Qi like Christ or she evolve into something more

    From Layla's point of view, smog filled the entire room. She had never, ever seen emotions as rampant as this.
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga
  • Shen_Chen_Yi
    に返信 nightknight

    that's just show how good and devious this woman is.

    Sonia was biting her lip so hard that blood had been drawn, and as for Tinat, he was just staring off, wondering how had his life become this way?
    My Vampire System
    ファンタジー · JKSManga