I shall be the shadow and the mist of unknown mysteries. Should it be haze or smoke shall surrender under my power.
Ehm , sorry but i don't know what you mean by BA and revived witch?
lol, I mean mob as in background character not that "mob" from mob psycho 100 using kage bunshin...😂
Updated just now.
Sorry, I really forget the title besides knowing that the title has a "technology" word in there. Though if you are those who is very concerned about racism, then I don't recommend it to you. Even though the mc is a chinese that doesn't like the china government(very rare indeed), he also doesn't like other countries and is a bit racist towards them. Honestly, I have developed an immunity towards those racism either from china, US, or others (I am a third world country citizen) since I pretty much see it 99% of the time. I just like technology which is the reason I read those novels. I think only one novel of these type doesn't have even one bit of racism since the timeline is already in the future interstellar era where earth has formed a federation(not the current multiples countries structure.). title: "The strongest starcraft commander." Though, around 50% main characters has chinese name with the other half being other countries.
marvel zombies. there you will face captain america zombies, hulk zombies and maybe even thanos zombies...Just kidding
Noob, inventory can be used to store air. What you need air for? Simple, air gun, air slash, etc... But what is the most important is that you should check whether inventory can store light. You got some laser power with 0 mp!!!
Actually, all he needs is just a coin
Chi= energy for chinese martial arts (usually in wuxia genre) which will only give your strength as powerful as a peak human (captain america?) Ki= for japanese martial arts, not sure the specific. Qi= For chinese fairy culivation .(similar to mana in western, there is element qi, sword qi, etc.)
basically harry potter's magic
He can still die from environmental damage, AOE attack, and maybe homing attack with his low def and HP. But Maple??? I don't find her weakness with all those buff she get, even speed!