I have an unhealthy addiction to reading.
Hey, are you waiting to release chapters till you have the rest of the final arc finished?
I can tell English isn't your first language, but saying more stronger...is bad writing. I wish you well on your book, but after struggling through the first 4 chapters, I am dropping it. the POV is all over the place. It is hard to keep track of who is doing what. it just doesn't seem like it will improve. It is not structured well at all.
isn't he still 4?
this is a redundant paragraph.
Damn, I never even considered twins!
I'm gonna start counting how many times this is said each chapter. I know we haven't gotten this drilled into our heads yet, so let's see how many times he has to say it before we realize what the MC loves and wants.
yeah, author is definitely, very, verbose.
I feel like here he should explain why.
I cant wait for a full fight from this guy, but I'm a patient man.
I love this book. I love this book so much.