"The best people in life are free" Taylor Swift
Normally, I don't read books likw this, but I have to say, Great, your book is great! I love the first chapter especially. Now I feel like my writing skills are mediocre 🤧
I love the synopsis! Gosh! The title is very catchy and even the book's cover is amazing! Well done author. I really wish I could learn from you. I try so hard to write fantasy but I suck at it🤧. But this, your book is also very unique and original. It is definitely not your everyday story.
Wow! First, the cover of the book is absolutely amazing. As for the story line it is unique, I love it! I've only read the first chapter and I can already feel the tension in the story and the character's attitudes are properly defined. I wish I could write chapters as long as yours. Although, I'm quite sad their mother had to die. Can't wait to read the rest of the story. Keep up the good work!😁🤗
I like the way he said it. Like "we are getting married, end of discussion"😹
Hello everyone, I hope you all loved this chapter. I wish to update more but I'm sick and I have to take alot of tests at school. Thank you all for the views. They mean alot. Goodbye friends