Ra ra ooh la la ga ga row ma ma
I think you might’ve missed my sarcasm there. But yeah, I don’t care either. As long as nobody’s trying to make me do something I’m not comfortable with, I don’t give two shits about their preferences. But there is kind of an explanation, courtesy of a fujoshi friend of mine when she was defending her love of BL when I was giving her shit about it. She told me “you like candy bars, right? So what’s better than having one of your favorite candy bars? It’s having *two* of your favorite candy bars!” That’s when it clicked for me lol.
Uhh… live audiences have been a thing as long as television broadcasts have been a thing. It isn’t a new concept
Tell me you play h games without telling me you play h games
It’s how all companies work. Before they’re public, when people talk about owning X% of them, they mean X% of the shares in the company. So if a company has a hundred million shares, owning 30% of it means you own 30 million of those shares. During financing rounds, each shareholder agrees to give up a certain percentage of their shares (“dilution”) in exchange for cash at a reasonable valuation. Those shares may be voting shares or preferred shares. Voting shares means the company must form a board of directors and allow outsiders to sit on the board. Preferred shares don’t allow seats on the board. Both types of shares receive dividends, should the voting members on the board of directors choose to issue dividends in any given year. They often don’t issue dividends because they choose to use the net profits that year in order to expand the business. That’s why Wall Street investors who come in demanding voting shares are seen as vampires, leeches, or ticks. They vote to receive dividends 100% of the time and have no interest in growing the business they invested in, nor would they particularly know how to operate it even if they were interested. Once a company goes public, they issue a certain number of their shares for public purchase. Those are never voting shares, nor are they preferred shares. They’re floating shares, or public shares. They have the right to attend stockholders’ meetings and receive dividends, but will never have any say in the operation of the company. There’s a lot more complexity to it, but it isn’t something I can easily explain in a WebNovel chapter comment thread. Nor is it particularly relevant; Guess Pictures isn’t a publicly traded company.
Godzilla 1998 was a massive flop
Why not just use a bald cap?
Good lord author, do we really need to dig into the plots of the movies this deep? Or rather, perhaps not deep, but detailed.
I don’t get how he got this reputation. His relationships with women are still in the single digits, and they’re all serial (meaning he pretty much ends one before starting another). He also keeps them almost entirely private and acts distant with them in public. How is any of that playboy behavior?
Man Tom Cruise may be bugfuck insane but he would’ve been incredible as Neo. Keanu Reeves has never been able to act at all; his best quality as an actor is that he’s willing to put in the work to learn skills to support his roles. But in terms of actually bringing those roles to life, well… he’s a glorified fence post.