part 2 kars
i deffo feel like rheres missing bits
is there a bit missinf in the last chapter?
also i saw it a few times while writing but ivankov is unironically dropping some fire schmooves in that gif
unfortunately that will not happen, the unmatched sheer sexual energy of ivankov will cause any attempt at a such a work to be incoherent smut instead
nooo let clark get a girl normally. if he finds out his self esteem shall plummet
like imagine youre offered two pills, one makes you gradually gain all the abilities of superman over the span of 5 years eith no possibility of dying in the meantime. the other gives it to you instantly but you also get the kryptonite weakness. why fuck yourself over ehen you could just wait 5 years and be superman eith no weaknesses?
well yeah, but my point is he doesnt *need* to farm points. hes already strong as shit and he can only get stronger. theres no point getting to saitama levels plus it gives you a permnanent weakness you can never get rid of when you coulr just as easily just be unbeatable
imo this is great, got any recommendations for better stuff?
new idea: what if its based on an embarassing story like military callsigns tens to be. fujin becomes the wind calamity after loudly ripping ass on a stealth mission