Shine like a Diamond
You're the Goddess of writing heartwarming stories taken the example from real life !! I'm a Silent fan of your books and My wholehearted good luck wishes fr you only! For the new readers, Read her books and get swept off from feet experiencing every feeling 😘💜🤗🥰
How can she be responsible for your insult? you hurted her the first 😤😤
I feel pity on mohit to be married to girl like srushti, who can hurt him but doesn't want to hurt her jiju. Does she even know this, Her relationship should only be important with her husband and to his of them doesn't even matter. This is really frustrating
Does she have a brain?
you're the most dumb one... your husband is important for you or your jiju?? grow up srushti, you are spoiling your own home
That's so frustrating, Maya and Viraj, they are truly showing how to break marriage. What does they think of themselves? They should leave Mohit and Srusti, let the couple solve their own problems... who are they to interfere? its irritating to even read how they behave? What's wrong Mohit has done? what choice did they left to him? nothing and now they all blaming him for not sharing the truth. Mohit should teach a lesson them
You stay in your limit blank head
Why don't you leave your hubby like the same way you are asking Srusti to live without Mohit and Stay at your home because your kids miss her... See what you are even speaking 😤🤬
Not an actor but an blank minded idiot