Who has a piece of seastone up his nostril. How would that work?
It's just poor writing. I rather no system at all if it's going to be like this. If you don't want an OP MC don't give him a system.
What formula? I never understand this. Some authors say you can't update longer chapters but then i see a chapter a dozen times longer. ( i simply assume they don't want to update longer stuff).
That's not how Logia works. You don't self repair if you get hit with Armament Haki or Sea Stone, you need to heal normally.
Does the Peak Human ability protects him from diabetes? It's an awful lot of lollipops.
The least he could have asked was if he was going to a super powerful world. What's the use of peak human in certain setting lie DC or Marvel? We know he is going to Modern Family but he doesn't.
Doubled paragraph.
Another chapter filled with useless drama.
What's the point. He will fight Rogers and get hurt with his shield. Like he got hurt from Bucky's arm.