


I'm simple. I like to read and to write

2019-12-16 入りましたUnited States







Tainted Truths

‘Burning....’ She kicked and thrashed until the blanket fell from her bed, long black hair matted to her forehead and neck as she spread out on her bed, seeking some sort of relief from the burning that was happening within her body.... ‘I...I am burning...’ She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt every cell in her body shaking, She tried to stay within the realm of dreams as her body continued to burn her... ‘ Fire...Everything around me must be burning...’ The flames engulfed her room. Bright red and orange morphed to hues of green and blue as delirium took her mind to wondrous imaginations... she grasped at pleasant dreams and memories as the fever within her body physically presented itself in the form rare and exotic colors that seamed to burst from her body and dance around her... whispers of images and memories danced within the colorful swirling flames.... ‘Is this hell?’ She was clammy, hot, unbearably uncomfortable... her clothes were burned away from her body that was physically shaking as she started to whimper aloud... ‘Have I come to hell?’ Her cellular shaking was beginning to burn her joints and her bones... she could feel them tearing apart thread by thread... She could feel every fiber of her being ... it felt as if a dull hot blade were cutting her layer by layer...fiber by fiber stretching... ‘Is this how it feels to be torn apart?’ Every nerve tingling with raw energy, shaking, creating more friction within her body; making it burn even more... Her heart was pumping so fast it felt as though it would burst out of her chest at any moment. The new pace was bruising her sternum, making the now golden eyed girl gasp for air as it was sucked out of her room- her windows shattered to give her the fresh air she needed. ‘It...hurts...’ Her chest constricted as her body refused to obey her commands, she wasn't even aware of what she was commanding her body to do... she could hear screaming, thumps and thuds... but she could not make out anything else... she could feel a thunderous shaking rumbling from her bruised chest... ‘Make it stop...’ Everything hurt....everything felt unbearably sore...everything felt too real to be real... Part of her wondered if the burning fever drove her mad as it hurt too much to produce a coherent thought... ‘Is this... how I die?...’ She screamed as painful convulsions ripped through her battered body. The burning came back tenfold and she felt the air leave her body as she gave into the smothering darkness... “Wake up young one...” A mystical melodic voice whispered from within the darkness... “It is time.... To Wake!”

Annalysia_Ybarra · ファンタジー
89 Chs