A busy mom who likes a great escape
Can't wait to read this!
I see you keep changing the novel's cover. Have you decided on one you prefer?
the names of the children are confusing when the author refers to both son and daughter as Candice.
Looking forward to the new chapters! I am sorry to hear about your loss. Don't ever feel bad for taking time for yourself to mourn and cherish all the memories you have with that loved one.
We jump ahead 3+ years and Jinze has not met his kid 😡😡😡
I wished these chapters were longer
I laughed the whole time reading this chapter in bed. I thought I was going to wake up my husband next to me 😆
OMG I'm screaming 🥰🥰🥰
We will patiently wait for the new chapters ☺️. Hope everything is well on your end.